Year 4 News
From Elly and Georgie, Year 4 teacher
Our Learning
By Tess, Maher, and Jaida, 4C
Year 4 have loved learning all about fractions! We did all sorts of fun activities such as fractions walls, buzz, 21, challenging tasks, and worded problems. We also explored equivalent fractions, adding fractions, mixed fractions, decimals, and improper fractions.
Our favourite lesson was making our Fraction Walls because we loved experimenting with the folding. We both managed to make tenths, twelfths and sixteenths!
We have been focusing on the Writer's Workshop and looking back at the process of unpacking a seed, planning, drafting, and publishing. We have been working really hard on our beginning and endings in narratives to keep readers hooked.
Here are some wonderful examples:
By Olivia, 4C
The wind rushes in and out of the my mouth, making it as dry as the Sahara desert. Leaves shine peacefully as a bird whooshes past.
By Yusra, 4C
Bang, the hose is breaking apart. My little sister gets on her knees and shouts "I am too young to die!
By Mariam, 4C
If you want to know more, look out for my new book 'Life in my Family,' to learn some intriguing and shocking new information!
By Oskar, 4C
The Middle Ages! Fun, exciting, deadly. Let's go on a adventure, shall we?