Science News Prep, Years 1 & 2

Prep dinosaurs

From Julia, Science Specialist



The Preps have been learning about dinosaurs, what sounds they may have made, what they looked like, and where they lived (only on land), and that their legs went right under them, not to the side. We’ve also learnt that this means that the komodo dragon can’t be related to dinosaurs because their legs go right out, but they are related to chickens! 


There are some very impressive up-and-coming palaeontologists in the cohort! Preppies have transformed themselves into dinosaurs by making some paper plate dinosaur masks.


Year One

Year 1 have learned about our skin such as the reflex of goosebumps, and a little about the skin of other animals. The poisonous dart frogs have brightly coloured skin which signals “WATCH OUT! I’M POISONOUS! DON’T EAT ME!” The students this week have made their own poisonous dart frog puppets, being sure to colour the skin brightly to warn off predators. 


Year Two

Continuing their life-cycle work, the Year 2 are focussing on the different life stages of crabs this week. They have made Pokemon cards for each life stage that explain their strengths, weaknesses, where they live or what they are or are not able to do, and then made some rocking adult crabs.