Learning and Teaching

Across this term, all the Learning Communities have been learning about some of the big ideas about Science. The children will showcase their learning at our Learning Expo. Find out some of the things they have learned about below:
- I learned about cutting shapes for my diorama. I cut a circle for a sun in the desert. Snakes, giraffes and cactus are in the desert. Johnny, Year Prep.
- I learned that tigers growl. I made a diorama with tigers in it. They live in the desert. Angelique, Year Prep.
- We learned how to make clay float. We curved the sides up so it would float and the water wouldn’t come in it. Oscar B, Year 1.
- I really liked the sinking and floating because it was fun to see if things sink or float. Izabella, Year 2.
- I liked learning about sinking and floating. I found out that different things can sink and float. We saw it at the Science incursion. Daniel, Year 2.
- I learned that you don’t give up if it is hard. You can make things move without touching it. Like using a string on a car and pulling it. Gus, Year 1.
- A non-Newtonian substance is a substance that defies Newton’s laws of physics. For example, oobleck is a liquid but if you put force on it, it becomes hard. Violette, Year 4.
- I learned that anything magnetic can pull another thing by attracting or repelling it. William M, Year 4
- I have learned about forces, chemical reactions and states of matter. Forces are in a magnet. There are positive and negative forces and only some attract. Bianca, Year 3.
- Science is hard but when you achieve it you feel proud of yourself. The balloon blow up experiment was exciting to mix chemicals and a good start into science. Johnny, Year 5.
- We did a balloon blow up experiment. We mixed vinegar and bicarbonate of soda in a bottle and it inflated the balloon. The chemical reaction between the bicarb and the vinegar made a gas that inflated the balloon. Ada, Year 6.
- This term, I learned the difference between solid, liquid and gas. There are different types of solids, we did an experiment about it. Tia, Year 6.
Reminder - Student Reporting Update – Mathematics Version 2.0
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) recently published its revised Mathematics curriculum (Mathematics curriculum 2.0). All Victorian government schools will start using the Mathematics curriculum 2.0 in 2024 or 2025. At Corpus Christi School, we are using the revised Mathematics curriculum for school reporting from Semester 1, 2024.
In your child’s previous report, the teacher reported against the 3 strands of the achievement standard for Mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability). Under the Mathematics Curriculum 2.0, your child’s teacher will report against the achievement standard as a whole, providing a single, aggregated score.
As the achievement standards reported on have changed, the first time you receive a report under the Mathematics 2.0 curriculum, it will only show achievement and not progress. For all reports after this, progress will be shown against the single achievement standard.
The VCAA made these changes to help teachers plan their teaching and learning programs in Mathematics, giving them more flexibility to support students to link ideas within Mathematics and also with other curriculum areas.
You will receive your child's report at the end of this week. If you have any questions about their progress in Maths, please see your child's class teacher.
Deborah Courtney
Director of Learning and Teaching