From the Principal's Desk

Learning Expo

Don't forget our Learning Expo this afternoon!

Our children are super excited and looking forward to seeing you all there at 3:30 pm sharp!


Operating between 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm, you will be able to immerse yourself in a world of Science projects. Be sure to visit all the Learning Communities to discover what each year level has been focusing on this term. The children are very eager to share their knowledge and work.


We ask that children stay in their Learning Communities for the duration of the Expo as they will be given time to walk through the Expo on Thursday morning.

Sports Results

On Thursday 20th June, two of our Year 6 students, Jackson Caguioa and Sophie Fitzsimon, represented Corpus Christi at the Western Metropolitan Primary Cross Country Region Finals.


They were amongst hundreds of athletes who ran 3 kilometres around the rugged terrain of Brimbank Park. Their efforts are highly commended as they represented our school with great sportsmanship and determination. Well done Jackson and Sophie!

Last Friday, two of our Year 5/6 Interschool Sports Teams played in the Grand Final for Mixed Netball and Soccer. The Mixed Netball Team won and will now represent Corpus Christi in the Regional competition early next term. The Soccer Team played a great match and finished runners-up for the season. Congratulations to all the players and their coaches, Mr Dan Palanca and Miss Katie McLaren. Awesome achievement everyone!


School Reports and Portfolios

Reports and Portfolios will be distributed at the end of this week. Please take the time to read through these and celebrate your child's successes. We ask that the Portfolios are returned the first week back in Term 3 so that we can continue to compile samples of your child's work.

ABC Music

ABC Music has some places available for any students interested in commencing music lessons next term.


Commencement of Term 3

A reminder that Term 3 will commence for the students on Tuesday 16th July.


There is a School Closure Day on Monday 15th July for a Staff Professional Development Day. 


Thank you to all the students and staff for their hard work this term. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday after a very long and busy term. We look forward to seeing you next term.



God bless

Jane Wilkinson

(Acting Principal)