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We made some new playdough with the children this morning and the best part is playing with it while it was still lovely and warm. Playing with playdough just after it has been mixed is wonderful sensory experience. The dough is warm and pliable and we use lots of different language to describe how it feels and the types of actions we can do – rolling, squishing, squeezing, squashing and even smashing! We asked the children what colour they would like and they chose purple and they asked to have dinosaurs with it. The children used the new playdough to create spaces for their dinosaurs to live. As they played, the children identified the types of dinosaurs that they knew. We talked about whether they were plant eaters or meat eaters and how they lived together. Playdough is such a versatile medium. Many people think it can only be used with rolling pins and cookie cutters as a traditional ‘dough’ but we love to use it in so many different ways. The children can use it as a base for imaginative play in a variety of different ways. They talked about different types of dinosaurs in both colour and species and negotiated sharing and taking turns with the materials on the table.

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The link to our central enrolment system to enroll for 2023 is below: