The Week It Was n Prep

This week our preps enjoyed our first excursion, a walking one to Greenlink, where the students learnt about native plants around us, including how to look out for fungi around us and the importance of only eating fungi that we can buy from the supermarket. We were even lucky enough to spot an owl - who was patiently waiting for some food to eat - which we learnt they eat mice. A special thank you to Michelle and Yu being wonderful caring parent helpers for our walk. 

In literacy we have been consolidating our phonetic knowledge by blending and sounding out words and even practising reading with fluency. 


In numeracy we have been consolidating our counting skills through collaborative tasks that involve counting and subitising (counting with our eyes). 


A highlight for many students has also been their oral presentation on their families, and we have absolutely loved learning more about everyone's families. 

A friendly reminder that students should have a set of spare clothes in their bag at all times, especially with the wet weather. We kindly also ask if you’re able to send your child with a box of tissues that would be greatly appreciated. 


Please reach out to your child's classroom teacher if you have any further questions.