A week in review- 

A reflection by Ains 

Acting Principal's Report

The week that flew by …

Dear Community, 

We hope you had a wonderful break over the long weekend and enjoyed a much-needed rest along with some fun and laughs with family and friends. The extra day was a great circuit breaker for us at Box Hill North, with the return of many students and teachers back to full health. A reminder that when your child is unwell to please keep an eye on whether they are well enough to be at school. 


With regard to the week that was, we had a kinder incursion for both the three-and four-year-olds, Students Supports Groups Meetings, Student Attitudes to School Survey, Year 3/4 Winter Sports Gala and we even had a few teachers attend the Riversdale Maths Conference. With each of the event’s new skills and information was shared. 


Please refer further in our newsletter to see images and comments relating to some of these events. 


Planning, Reporting and Parent Teacher Interviews


On a separate note, I wanted to make you all aware of the next few weeks at Box Hill North regarding Term 3 Teacher Planning, Reports and parent Teacher Interview.  


In Week 10, we have planning week in preparation for Term 3 teaching and learning and school reports will go live at 4:00pm Friday 21st June. 


In Week 11, we have Parent Teacher Interviews on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th June. All bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews are available from Thursday 13th June at 4:00pm.  


Please note that Year 5/6B, Tracey’s class, will have Parent Teacher Interview on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th June due to Tracey being on Long Service Leave the final week of term. Josie Maccora will teach 5/6C Week 11. 


Thanking you all for the very quick yet jam packed week that was. 

