Little Learners News

We thank everyone for their kindness and understanding when two sessions recently could not go ahead due to Mrs Kroek being unwell. 

Little Learners returned last week and it was another lovely morning.

The Little Learners cooking adventures continue with recent favourites being choc-chip cookies made with coconut sugar as well as ham, cheese and pineapple English muffins.

Some crafts they have enjoyed lately that are shown in the picture collection below are: 

  • creating 'dot' painting creations after reading the book 'The Dot' Peter H. Reynolds.
  • making paper plate tennis racquets to hit green 'tennis ball' balloons with after listening to 'Little People, Big Dreams - Evonne Goolagong by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara.

We continue to have the huge benefit of having some of the older YPS students to help during our sessions each week. Their leadership and beautiful manners are to be commended. 

We also welcome some of the 2024 kinders each session. This not only provides great extra company for the Little Learners, but allows them to make friends with their classmates for next year. 


Please stay tuned for an update early next term on Kindergarten Transition

This will begin on Friday 20th September and sessions will run from 9:10-2pm. 

Students are able to attend these sessions without a parent being present, however all students need to have paperwork completed to be enrolled to start Kindergarten at YPS in 2025 prior to attending transition.


Have a lovely holiday break and we will look forward to seeing all your smiling faces again in Term 3!


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