Principal's message

Dear families,
As we wrap up another busy term, I want to start this message by saying thank you to everyone who has given that little bit extra to check in on another member of the community just to see if they are okay. Small schools are the hub of the community, and we are always looking at ways that we can make these links stronger.
We had a great community turn out at the carnival and the feedback we got was brilliant. Many people commented on the way that all the kids from all the schools supported each other. The more we can work as a community of schools the stronger these bonds will become. The stage 3 students clearly all knew each other from their trip to Sydney earlier in the year and this will hopefully be the case when Stage 2 return from their camp in term 3. Not only are camps an opportunity to learn skills of independence and resilience, they provide those opportunities to build and foster relationships beyond the school gate.
The Yanco Club has reached out to ask for our support with raising funds for a chair lift. Miss Williams and the Blue Class have taken up the challenge and are going to be running a special lunch order day early in the new term. We ask everyone to get behind them as they work as a team to support their local organisation. More to come on that later.
Term 3 is already set to be a busy one. Please keep checking in on the calendar so that you can save those dates.
Health Update
Thank you to the families who are keeping us up to date as to the reasons behind children missing days of school. Covid-19, Influenza and tummy bugs continue to have a strong presence in our school community. Please take care of yourselves and others by keeping unwell children at home and keeping the school informed when they are not at school.
Working Bee – Take 3
We have a new date for you. I don’t want to jinx things but if you could put August 4 in your dairy that would be great.
New Bin System
Like everyone in the Leeton Shire, we have new bins at school. This means that we must follow the same rules as each family at home. Please help us in making sure that the correct items go into the correct bins by talking with your children and reminding of them what goes where. We would love to see more nude food lunch boxes as this would result in the worms and chickens being fed scraps and the red bins being lonely and not used. We will be clearly labelling the bigger bins on the playground as well to make things easier for everyone to shift to the new system.
Art Deco Festival
All students are currently working hard to get their artwork completed for display on the water tower again this year. If you get a change to go and see their work, please do so.
High Performance Gifted Education (HPGE)
As a small school we continue to work tirelessly to support all our students find the things they love and excel at and try to provide opportunities for them to learn and grow. Semester 1 has seen students have the chance to build their skills in areas of sport, academics and arts and the stage is set for some amazing opportunities in Semester 2. Term 3 alone will have students participating in a Creative Arts camp in Murrumbateman, athletics and snow sports events, KROP, Eisteddfods, STEM classes and camps and language camps. Dance groups, choirs and sports teams are just a few of the areas where we allow everyone who want to have a go to join in. We don’t have those who are the sporty kids or the arty kids, we try and let everyone join in everything. If there is an area that your child would like to explore in any area and we are not aware of it, please let me know and we will endeavour to find how we can best support them.
We are busy working on the transition to school program and look forward to this starting in the coming term. Please make sure to compete enrolment for students who are starting in 2025. They can be completed online, or you can contact the school for a paper copy or support in completing the online version.
Finally, have a safe and relaxing break and we look forward to welcoming everyone back on Tuesday 23rd July.
Mrs Taylor