In Our Classrooms

Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge Update
We are 112 days in with 78 days remaining of the 2024 Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge and already 27 students have completed the challenge! Collectively the Primary Years students have read and registered 2,984 books.
According to our bookworms in the Primary Years, the most-read book is Anzac Ted by Belinda Landsberry and the top-rated book is Peppa's Easter Egg Hunt.
Keep up the great work, Hazel Glen College!
Year 2 Curiosity
The students enjoyed linking their Curiosity unit, 'Sustaining our Earth's Natural Resources,' and Reconciliation Week. They applied their understanding of some of the sustainable practices of our First Nation's People. Students recognised the importance of understanding and respecting cultural values and practices. They learnt that there is a lot we can learn from Australia's first scientists and the way Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people work with the land and respect the environment. Students explored issues around sustainability and created posters to educate others about the problems and some solutions.