Head of Primary Years' Report

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Hazel Glen College,
Our students are continuing to make us proud with their efforts at school. Yesterday our Year 2 students shared their work for their Curiosity topic at their Year 2 Expo. Students showcased their iDiscover projects, celebrating their exploration and understanding of sustainability this term.
As I reflect on the semester so far, it has been wonderful to see our Primary Years grow, with this year being the first year with our Year 5 students and next year, we are looking forward to our first Year 6's for the Hazel Glen College Primary Years. I have enjoyed seeing the older Primary Years students act as role models for our younger students. All Primary Years students continue to enjoy the outdoor spaces to play and be with their peers.
A huge thank you to Miss Morgan Curry and Miss Soklev along with our Grade 1 and 5 students and teachers for working on a community project to update the planter boxes out the front of the school. Our new plants from Bunnings are looking fantastic and our student gardener helpers are making the school look and feel great.
We hope that you can celebrate your child's achievements this semester when you receive their report at the end of the term. Have a restful break with your families and we look forward to welcoming you all back again for Term 3. Remember that the first day of Term 3 is a curriculum day and students are not required to attend.
Andrea Lynch
Head of Primary Years
Hazel Glen College