Student Wellbeing

ONE STEP AT A TIME : Parent Support for Childhood Anxiety

This sounds like an amazing and worthwhile opportunity.  I would thoroughly recommend looking into this for any parents of children experiencing any number of anxiety-related issues.  


Does your child experience any of the following symptoms related to anxiety? 

• Difficulties sleeping at night due to worries

• Fears and phobias

• Difficulty separating from you or worrying about parental safety

• Trouble sleeping alone in their bed

• Fear of the dark 

• Scared of lifts, trains, and people

• Fear of dogs and other animals

• Excessive worry and constant reassurance seeking

• Fear of germs and other health problems


If so, the Clinicians at Swinburne University have developed a program to help parents manage childhood anxiety in children aged 6-11 years that may suit your requirements for support.  Some sessions are with both parent and child, while others are parent only. 

  • Also at only $20 per session and/or an assessment session, it is both convenient (online) and inexpensive! 

Treatment consists of seven therapy sessions plus one assessment session. It aims to equip parents with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy strategies to help manage and assist their child's anxiety. 

See DETAILS on the flyer attached for more information or TO REGISTER : 

Check out these other great PARENT  WORKSHOPS!

Wellbeing Around the Classes: 

Our beautiful class prayer cloth made by 1/ 2s
When we encourage each other and work as a team we get to celebrate by having special days!
Our beautiful class prayer cloth made by 1/ 2s
When we encourage each other and work as a team we get to celebrate by having special days!

1/2s enjoying the well-deserved reward of 'Slipper Day'at school recently. "Go 1/2s!"

Preps setting a new record with their Positive Primer activity during Morning Circle. 

A Positive Primer for the beginning of the day!
It feels fun to be at school and I feel like I belong!
A Positive Primer for the beginning of the day!
It feels fun to be at school and I feel like I belong!

We call this "The 3rd Teacher" - great visual reminders within the 3/ 4 Space! 

Growth Mindset statements
Growth Mindset statements
Classroom Expectations Agreed Upon By All Class members and Signed
BERRY STREET PRACTICES : Morning Circle is practised daily
Classroom Expectations Agreed Upon By All Class members and Signed
BERRY STREET PRACTICES : Morning Circle is practised daily
Calm Spaces and Zones of Regulation to provide the necessary voacbulary to express emotions
One of our 3Bs - Be a Learner? What does it look like, sound like and feel like?
Calm Spaces and Zones of Regulation to provide the necessary voacbulary to express emotions
One of our 3Bs - Be a Learner? What does it look like, sound like and feel like?

Warm Regards,

Jenny Todd

(Student Wellbeing Leader)