Learning and Teaching 

Learning Conferences: A Collaborative Path to Student Success

Dear Parents,


Learning Conferences will be taking place on  Wednesday 24th July and Tuesday 30th July. This is a valuable opportunity for you to engage in meaningful conversations with your child's teachers, gain insights into their academic progress, and collaborate on strategies to support their continued growth and success.


Learning Conferences are a crucial part of our educational process. They provide a dedicated time for parents and teachers to:

  • Discuss Academic Progress: Review your child's achievements, strengths, and areas for improvement.
  • Set Goals: Establish academic and personal development goals for the remainder of the school year.
  • Address Concerns: Discuss any concerns or challenges your child may be facing and explore potential solutions.
  • Strengthen Partnerships: Build a stronger partnership between home and school, ensuring that both parties are working together to support your child's education.

Staff look forward to meeting with you during the Learning Conference and working together to ensure your child’s success. Your involvement and support are essential to their academic journey.


Thank you for your continued partnership.


Kind regards

Megan Barber