Principal's Report

Carly Avery

Dear Parents and Friends,


Well, the cold weather has certainly kicked in! Thanks to Mark Butters for organising our Beanies fundraiser. Profits will go towards the refurbishment of the chook shed into Joey’s Cafe. Thanks to Alex Keady and David Garcia who are leading this project. Beanies are due to arrive before the school holidays, you can place an early order at the office now.  


A reminder that our Term Two Student Learning Expo will take place this coming Monday the 24th from 2:15-3:15 pm. Feel free to bring other family members and drop by for 5 or 50 minutes! 


Renovation Update 

The renovation project is tracking along nicely. Work in clearing the learning spaces is almost complete, with new windows on order and due to be installed soon. Over the school holidays works on the Drainage and Guttering project are due to be completed, along with a new meeting/ music room being installed in the office area.  

Climate Survey 

The purpose of this short survey is to understand what the general level of satisfaction within the School Community currently is; what we are doing well, and where we can improve. The survey is a general check in as to what the overall feeling is around the school.  

I strongly urge you to participate, It is only 4 questions and takes around 7 mins. 

Semester One Climate Survey 


Pizza Competition 

Congratulations to Issy L who won the recent Pizza Topping competition at the Brewery, and Aiden K who was runner up. Chosen by the chefs Issy Special and Mash-O-Porko are now on the menu for a limited time. 


Towards the end of next week, we will send an email with a reminder on how to access your child/ren’s Semester One report. I thank teachers for the time they have put into preparing these.  

Parent Teacher Interviews will take place towards the end of term three to reflect on progress from these reports and set goals for term four. If you have any questions about these reports, please contact teachers at the beginning of next term. 


Victorian Government $400 

As you may be aware recently the Victorian Government announced a $400 “School Saver Bonus” to all students in government schools and eligible concession card holders at non-government schools.  

The various Dioceses in Victoria have been communicating with elected representatives to advocate for families who have chosen Catholic Education to also receive this money. Please see below a recent email from Bill Tilley, our local representative. It would be wonderful to see as many of our families as possible show support by completing the petition attached below. 


I write regarding the recent announcement by the Allan Labor Government, contained in the 2024-25 Budget, to offer a $400 “School Saver Bonus” to all students in government schools, and eligible concession card holders at non-government schools. 


The fact that independent and Catholic schools were excluded from this initiative was a disgrace. I understand that families at your school are not immune to cost-of-living pressures, and in many cases may feel them even more acutely than families who choose government schools. 


This policy follows the Labor Government’s imposition of the unfair Schools Tax in last year’s Budget on independent and Catholic schools – a tax designed to divide Victorians and reduce parental choice in education. Please be assured that the parliamentary team will continue to advocate for families who choose faith-based or independent education for their children. 


The Coalition has now established the “Fair School Bonus” campaign to put pressure on the Government to make the policy equitable across all school sectors. Families can sign the petition to show their support for a more equitable School Saving Bonus by visiting:  


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 


  Brad Worrall l Policy & Media 

Office of Bill Tilley MLA | Member for Benambra 2/91 Hume Street, Wodonga VIC 3690 phone (02) 6009 0808 l email 

on behalf of