
Ms Deb Haddow

Kindness is contagious

Kindness has the power to boost satisfaction, happiness, and physical and mental well-being.

Each of us has the capacity to show up kindly and make a difference in the world of another. 

Kindness is an intentional act of compassion, thoughtfulness and understanding that involves treating others with respect and empathy. When we are kind, we’re recognising, listening to and understanding the feelings of others. When we strive to include more kindness in our lives, we are sending a powerful message to the world that we care—for ourselves and for others.

At LPPS, the message of being kind is prominent in discussions everyday. We encourage students to be kind to each other and to themselves. When we are helping to manage a friendship conflict, our language is based around kindness and how our actions can impact others. We use the value of kindness to develop empathy. THRIVE Curriculum this week is based on LIVING YOUR VALUES—being the best person you can be. Classes have been involved in many Kindness Activities including explicit discussions about kindness, setting kindness challenges, being kind to those less fortunate than us and trying to make KINDNESS the norm. As we know, a smile is contagious, so is kindness. We work hard at LPPS to keep the kindness ripple developing.



Keep showing respect

Include others

Never bully or tease

Devote time to helping others and the environment




This term we continue our popular Breakfast Club program in the space at the side of the music room. This is a grab and go service offering fruit, milk, packets of cereal and now....toast!


The program operates from 8.35am—8.50am Monday, Wednesday and Friday—yes, just 15 minutes, but enough time to grab and eat on the way to class. Ms Naomi McMaster organises the program. We would love to have the help of some more volunteers, especially now that we will be cooking toast. If you think you could help to cook toast for 15 minutes on any of the mornings, please email me (debraanne.haddow@education.vic.gov.au ). You would just need to have your Working With Children Check and complete the Child Safe Training—as every volunteer does.


Wellbeing Contacts

I have come across a few more contacts which might be helpful to our community members. So we’ll continue to build this resource for you.

Families needing food or support:

Deb Haddow