Principal's Report

Angela Dawson

Working Bee - Sunday 19th November

Over the weekend at the working bee, our wonderful community cleared out the overgrown frog pond area. This was so that it can be filled again with rain water, and a natural habitat can be created in there. 


A huge thank you to Lauren and the over 100 helpers on the day who turned the outdoor space into the beginnings of a wonderful learning space at Valkstone. Also, thank you to the wonderful parents who made sure that there was a delicious morning tea for everyone, after all their hard work outdoors.


There was GREAT excitement  in the air when we found 9 frogs! A merry band of students took responsibility for relocating the frogs from the working area (so none got accidentally trodden on) and then kept an eye on them for hours. All were appropriately named (Kermit, Bob, Legs, Gary etc) and we are hoping that they become the start of our new frog community.  


After reaching out to some online frog experts, it turns out that they are Southern Brown Tree Frogs (Litoria ewingii). They can grow to 30-50mm and their key identifying features are a dark line from the snout to shoulder, and their toe pads are a little wider than their digits.


PS: kaeru is frog in Japanese - a nice little language link there for you!