What Does Liveability Look Like At The Zoo? – Year 7 Humanities

On the 15th of November, our entire year 7 cohort – yes, 275 students! – went to Melbourne Zoo as part of our study of liveability. At UHS, students have been working on a fieldwork examination of liveability at our school, assessing the school’s provisions of water, green space, shade, seating and equality of access. They have been looking at what strengths and weaknesses our school has in these areas and have prepared a proposal for change to make UHS a more liveable space. This worked extended to our time on this excursion in which students explored the zoo and examined its provisions for the same topics. 


While spending a beautiful day at the zoo our students came to understand how the zoo makes its space liveable not just for its customers but also for its animal inhabitants. This enabled them to develop a more holistic knowledge of how liveability works in a consumer and business sense as well as the zoo’s role in the protection and care for animals. Our students loved exploring the zoo grounds on the day and were definitely exhausted by the end!


Gordon Brown - Humanities