Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Parents, 


To staff next week is known as ‘Achievement Week’ – this is because we are at the end of our current teaching cycle and students are completing assessments to demonstrate their progress this term. The information gathered by teachers this week gives us the opportunity to determine exactly how we can best meet the needs of every student by the end of the year as we look to prepare them for the next year level. Teachers also use this information along with the evidence of learning from across the semester to inform students End of Year reports which will be available to families in week 11. We are excited about the learning growth of our students already demonstrated this week and we invite you to celebrate their academic progress with them.


What can you do at home? 

Support your child through achievement week maintaining your normal routine, providing them with nutritious meals, limiting their screen time, and ensuring they get plenty of sleep. You could also ask them about the assessments they have completed, and celebrate their achievements. Make a big deal about the growth they have had in their learning and challenge them to think about what they would like to learn more about. Teachers will be sharing some of the celebrations of learning on Seesaw, so be sure to check in regularly and acknowledge your child's achievements with a like or a comment.l 


Parent Contributions - Book Pack and Student Laptops 

Each year families are asked to make a contribution to the high-quality learning program provided by our school. The contribution you make also provides your children with a book pack for all their learning needs next year. Furthermore, for an additional $50, students in 3-6 can opt-in to receive their own laptop to bring home with them nights, weekends, and on school holidays.  


Contributions can be paid through Compass. Simply Login, select Curriculum Contribution, and follow the prompts. We are asking families to do this before December 15th to ensure their child’s resources arrive at school ready for Term 1.  


If you need further support or prefer to make your Parent Contribution in person, please see our front office.


Thank you for helping our school continue to achieve excellence together.



Library Books

As we are now getting close to the end of the year, this is the perfect time to have a look around at home for library books and perhaps take-home reading books that may be hiding. We are always excited to see lost materials returned. Please return any Albanvale Primary School library books you find to the school by the 8th of December.


Whole School Transition Day

All students will be involved in a whole school transition day on Tuesday 12th of December whereby they will be informed of their 2024 grade, teacher, and classroom.  Teachers have spent many hours forming grades to ensure we meet the social,  emotional, and academic needs of all students. Tuesday the 12th of December is also the day that our current Year 6 students visit their new high schools. Our Year 6 students are currently involved in a transition program to prepare them for high school and are feeling confident about attending their transition day. 


Prep 2024 Transition Morning

We will also be hosting our 2023 Prep Students for their transition morning from 9:30 – 10:30 with families asked to stay and join our New Parent School Information session where we will induct new families to the Albanvale Primary School community and they will get to learn about school routines and structures. 


Are you leaving APS?

Sadly, circumstances change and some families need to leave our community. If your child is not returning to our school next year, please contact our Front Office to collect and return a student exit form as soon as possible. This will help in preparing the best possible transition for your child and setting them up for success in 2024 and beyond.


A reminder that our Christal Carols Event will be held from 1:30 on Friday the 15th of December. Students have been working hard to prepare for their performance and celebrate our year of learning. We are also drawing our major raffle and announcing our 2024 student leaders. Please join us for a memorable afternoon and don't forget to bring your picnic rug and hat.


Kind Regards.

Mr Uzunovski