Senior School

Year 7 English
In Year 7 English, our studies were concluded by a short unit on visual literacy with students puting their understanding of camera angles and shots, along with story creation, to the test by making some short films. Below is a screenshot from one of the short films that they made. A testament to their creative genius at work. Honestly they were both hilarious and very well done!
Rose Pritchard
Senior School Teacher
Year 9
Port Fairy Day Trip
This week, the Year 9's attended a fishing clinic run by Port Fairy Angling Club. The students learnt how to put their bait on, cast, reel in and some caught and released fish. After a fish and dim sim lunch, we conducted a beach clean up on South Beach.
Community Service
The Year 9's also did community service at Hopkins Falls. Weeding, mulching and picking up litter. Fantastic effort by all.
Some of the Year 9's also went to Loved and Shared for community service and others went for a bike ride in the beautiful weather.
Ally Robinson
Senior School Teacher