Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News

The Fathering Project

Australian fathers want to be more involved in their children’s care and research emphasises the importance of fathers’ partnerships with schools. However, school family engagement is mainly seen as a mother’s responsibility. With an average of only 18% engagement of fathers involved in school and family partnership activity, The Fathering Project recognises the need to work with schools to increase the numbers of fathers and father figures involved in their child’s education.

The Fathering Project aims to increase father involvement in education by providing strategies and resources to schools. Our goal is to promote balanced representation of fathers and support parents, carers, and schools in optimising children’s education and wellbeing.

Cranbourne South Primary has partnered up with the Fathering Project and will be running 4 events throughout the year. Our first event is a BBQ and paper plane making on 13 March from 5:30-6:30. Check Compass for more information and to register to come along to our launch event.

Term 1 - Lunchtime Clubs

 At CSPS, we pride ourselves in providing varied learning and play experiences for the students. Each term, staff and student leaders invite students to participate in a lunch club.  

The aims of the Lunchtime Clubs is to:

  • Provide a stimulating play environment
  • Increase student social engagement
  • Decrease students ‘experiencing bullying’
  • Decrease staff ‘managing bullying’ Opportunities will vary each term, in response to student feedback.  See the flyer below for further information.