Specialist News

Welcome to 2024

The specialist team is so excited to be back on board for the new year. There are so many fun and exciting things planned for all year levels across all specialist areas. 

Please contact any of the specialist staff via email through Compass if you have any questions. 

Mrs Danielle Curtois - Physical Education (Monday to Thursday)

Mrs Rhianna Hamilton - Social Wellbeing (Monday to Thursday)

Mrs Alyssa Danger - Artistic Flair & Digi Tech

(Monday to Thursday)

Mrs Reagan Forbes - Environment Studies & Digi Tech

(Monday to Friday)

Physical Education

It is so great to be back at school - have loved chatting with the students about their holiday stories and the ways in which they stayed active over the break. 

As we dive back into weekly P.E lessons the focus has been setting up routines, communicating with out peers and displaying the school values. 

Just a reminder that students need to come to P.E lessons with a hat, drink bottle and be wearing suitable footwear. 


South East Melbourne Phoenix - Player visit

We were lucky enough to have Alan Williams, Matt Kenyon, Reuben TeRangi. Rhys Vague and Owen Foxwell from the South East Melbourne to and speak to the year 5 and 6 students.

They listening to each of the players basketball journeys and got to ask lots of different questions. They then competed in a half court shot competition with the birthday boy Matt Kenyon nailing one much to the excitement of the students. 

The year 5 and 6 students will be completing the Phoenix Soar Wellbeing program later in the year - this program helps students learn to recognise, regulate and articulate their emotions. 

A big thankyou to the South East Melbourne Phoenix for their continued involvement with our school.

Pearcedale Baxter Junior Football Clinics

The oval was full of excitement on Friday as we welcomed coaches and players from the local football club to conduct a clinic with every class. The students enjoyed kicking goals, handballing at the target, jumping mini hurdles and taking a 'specky'.

Some lucky students also walked away with a prize bag containing a new football, hat and drink bottle. All students received a sticker to say thankyou for the way in which they displayed the school values.

C.S.P.S says thankyou to the coaches and players from PBJFC for volunteering their time. It was heaps of fun!


House Cross Country

Our first whole school event is taking place on Friday 23rd February. It is always a great day where students cheer on their peers and sing their house chants with pride.

The students have been walking and running the course in preparation. Please refer to information posted on Compass for more details.

I wonder which house will reign supreme in 2024!

Term 1 - Events

We have lots of fun sporting events coming up in Term 1 - keep an eye on Compass for details closer to each event


  • Tuesday 13th February - Swim Trials (optional for years 4, 5 & 6 students)
  • Friday 23rd February - House Cross Country (Whole School)
  • Tuesday 12th March - Division Swimming (selected students only)
  • Friday 22nd March - House Athletics (Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 students)
  • Thursday 28th March - Junior House Athletics (Foundation, Year 1 & 2 students)

Artistic Flair

Hooray, we are back to fun, creation and innovation in the art room! All year levels are looking forward to learning new techniques and processes to create and explore artworks.


In the first few weeks we will be focusing on some of: 

Elements and of Art -Line, Shape/form, Texture, value, colour and space/perspective.

Principles of design- Pattern, rhythm, proportion, balance, unity and emphasis


All students from Year 1-6 have created a pattern in their house colour which will be put together into a large compostion with the help from our students leaders. Stay tuned for pics! 


Focus per level

Foundation- (Crazy chickens in a nest) Warm and Cool colours

Year 1/2- (Rainbow Fish) Texture, colour, pattern

Year 3/4- (Robots) Pattern, Shape, Value

Year 5/6- (Your choice farm sketch) Pattern, Value


Below are our grade 3's trying scrape painting for the first time! This will be our background for our shaded robots!


Saturday 9th March 

Last year C.S.P.S competed against other students and individuals in the annual Art Show at the Red Hill Show. It was a fabulous success so we are doing it again in 2024! Students are already busy creating artworks and our house captains are planning how they will choose the best artworks to be entered. 


 If your child has their work chosen you will receive an email from Mrs Danger and your child will be told at school. We would love to see families attend the show and support our students but you are not required to attend the show as the artwork will be taken there and returned along with any ribbons and photos. 


The Red Hill Show is a community event and Agricultural Show including animals, market stalls, rides and various craft/food/art and photography events. See links below for info and ticket prices.





We had a BIG first session in the artroom! Can you believe we went hunting for warm and cool colours, drew an oil pastel nest and painted our backgrounds all in one lesson?? What a bunch of superstars! We can't wait to make our chickens next week and we are looking forward to seeing some of them in The Red Hill Show!


Social Wellbeing

Welcome back to Social Wellbeing, we have started the year explaining the new learning space and setting up routines for our space. Our main focus for term 1 will be around self regulation through the use of the Zones of Regulation.

We have a few exciting incursions throughout the year, such as the Phoenix Soar for years 5 and 6, Melbourne United Stand Tall program for years 3 and 4 and the Why Worry Wally incursion  for years F-4. More information will come via Compass as we get closer to these events.

We will also welcome Harold back in Term 3 through Life Ed.


Welcome to our new specialist lesson in 2024! 

Digitech is taught by Mrs Danger (F-1) and Miss Forbes (2-6).


All students across the school have been investigating What Are Digital Technologies?

We posed the question and students hunted for items that they thought were digital technology. They justfied their answers using their prior knowledge and extended their knowledge by learning the definition, applying it to the equipment and re- thinking their response.


We are focusing on digital systems, software, hardware and cyber safety over the coming weeks whilst we wait for our new Digitech Lab renovation to be completed. 

Stay tuned for photos!

Environmental Studies

It has been an electrifying start to Environmental Studies. The year five and six students are learning about static electricity, not only have they been racing soda cans their have been quite a few messy hair styles.

The year threes have moved up into the kitchen garden program and are spending this term in the garden, they spent their first lesson getting familiar with all the tools and showing off their wheelbarrow skills.

Year four have participated in a food safety course, prior to beginning kitchen classes. On Wednesday we made a vegetable snack board with dips (Hummus & Tzatziki) and herb pita crisps.


The Junior school students have been learning all about Australian snakes and what you need to do to be snake safe. Please ask your child to demonstrate for you, it is an important skill to have this time of year.