Education News


Foundation 2024 News

What an amazing start to the year our new Foundation student's have had! After only having been at school for three and a half days they have crammed in a lot of fun and learning. They have started to make new friends, learn routines, met our Specialist teachers and most excitingly have started to take their initial steps in learning phonics (Milo the Monkey is a marvelous new friend). 

Year One and Two News

What a wonderful start we have had to 2024. Students have settled into their new classes and have been focusing on following the 5P's in everything that they do.

Each class in Year One and Two has welcomed a new member of their class, a class mascot. The class mascots will be sent home with a different student each week. The will be getting to know all of our wonderful families. When they return to school we will hear all about their adventures.  Our class mascots are:

  • 1A - Rockstar the Dragonfruit
  • 1B - Sharkboy
  • 2A - Draggy the Dragonfruit
  • 2B - Baby Shark



The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake. NAPLAN will be held in week 7 of this term from Wednesday 13th March.  A timetable will be sent home to parents via Compass in the coming weeks.

Online NAPLAN tests provide more precise results and are engaging for students. The tests are tailored (or adaptive), which means that each test presents questions that may be more or less difficult depending on a student’s responses. This helps students remain engaged with the assessment. 

NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through their regular school curriculum. Students sit assessments in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The questions assess content linked to the Australian Curriculum: English and Mathematics.

NAPLAN is for all Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students. ACARA supports inclusive testing, so all students have the opportunity to participate in the National Assessment Program.

Adjustments are available for students with disability who have diverse functional abilities and needs.

Schools should work with parents/carers and students to identify, on a case-by-case basis, reasonable adjustments required for individual students with disability to access NAPLAN. Adjustments should reflect the support normally provided for classroom assessments.

To help inform these decisions, you may consult the NAPLAN public demonstration site, the Guide for schools to assist students with disability to access NAPLAN (PDF 96 KB), and our series of videos where parents/carers, teachers and students share their experiences in using NAPLAN adjustments.

In exceptional circumstances, a student with a disability that severely limits their capacity to participate in the assessment, or a student who has recently arrived in Australia and has a non-English speaking background, may be granted a formal exemption.

Your school principal and your local test administration authority can give you more information on adjustments for students with disability or the process required to gain a formal exemption. Classroom teachers will discuss this process with parents during the 'Getting to Know" you evenings next week.


If you have any queries please contact Karen Halket via email.