Gardening Club

Term 4 in our Gardening Club has been extremely rewarding.
Our term began with a visit from the Bee Initiative and Epping Road upgrade team, along with our honourable MPs Bronwyn Halfpenny and Lilly Ambrosia. The Gardening Club put on an amazing presentation as well as tours of the produce and flowers. They displayed the hard work that they committed to and created a vision for the future of the Gardening Club.
As a Year 7 cohort we came together at recess to dig holes to plant our new additions to the garden, our Australian natives. These will provide a healthy, well pollinated, and sustainable garden for our bee and bird community.
Our Grade 6 neighbours from Wollert Primary, enjoyed an informative session on our Bee Initiative and enjoyed planting a tomato plant each to take home. The Year 6 students enjoyed the activity as well as a tour of our garden that is beaming with produce.
This year's accomplishments have included many different types of planting.
Our hard work has seen the successful growth of a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, Australian native trees and an array of colourful flowers.
We finished the year off with a Christmas party full of food, and secret Santa presents. All students bought food to share and organised gifts, which was very successful and bought happiness to the students.
All of the amazing stepping stones that begun a truly resourceful foundation to the gardening program's future, has been an ongoing combined effort from these students. The hard work they have committed to, is paying off and we can now enjoy the fruits of our labour.
Well done to Fatemah, Sukhman, Amelia, Helen, Manya, Manmeet, Maridiyah, Maryam, Audrey, Hannah, Minuri and our new gardeners Malak and Janat.
Merry Christmas as we pack up our tools for a well-earned break.
Happy summer gardening to all.
Brigette Fletcher &
The Gardening Club 2023