Principal Reflection

2023, the year Wollert Secondary College welcomed its first cohort of students, will forever be a day in the history book of our College that we will forever remember.
When I stop to reflect on the year that has been, I am beyond proud of the efforts of our staff and students.
Our end of year celebration truly highlighted the wonderful year that has been.
We have watched our students not only grow academically but we have also seen them grow as young individuals.
It was a pleasure to celebrate the achievements of our students and revisit the highlights of our year.
In one short year, our students have been privileged enough to engage in a number of extra curricular activities beyond the classroom.
Our 2023 Sport Program exceeded our expectations with students actively engaging and participating. It is not only the wins we celebrate but the incredible sportsmanship and the positive way in which our students represented our College.
Our Careers and Pathways program at Wollert Secondary College saw students participate in several extra curricular activities that provided our students an incredible opportunity to begin exploring their career interests. At Wollert Secondary College, we genuinely believe that if students find value and purpose in their education, we can maximise their engagement in their learning. Our comprehensive Careers Curriculum really does bridge that gap for our students who have shown great interest in exploring their career pathways.
A highlight for the cohort was Year 7 Camp which was a wonderful opportunity for students and staff to engage in a range of recreational activities. The three days away saw students continue to build positive connections with staff and their peers and was thoroughly enjoyed by all that attended.
As the year draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful staff of Wollert Secondary College and thank them for their endless passion and dedication.
Our staff have gone above and beyond to provide quality programs for our students, and I simply can’t thank them enough.
I would also like to take this opportunity to farewell our departing staff for 2023 and thank them for their efforts this year. We will miss them in 2024, but do wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.
- Nadia Ciavarella
- Sam Wike
- Josephine Randone
As one door closes, another opens, and I would like to introduce and welcome our incoming staff for 2024.
- Peter Olah
- Adriana Faccin
- Sarah Price
- Michelle Grabowski
- Marguerite Fredericks
- Gareth Anderson
- Chloe Rogers
- Martika Milenkovic
- Diana Rivera
- Rachel Ieraci-Radford
- Riley Cavanagh
- Philip Bogoevski
- Helen Trodd
- Tahnee McGoldrick
- Dion Rossini
- Shireen Buya
- Yvanca van Welt
- Syeda Wahid
- Darren Brown
As the year draws to a close, I leave you with this, when you stop and reflect on the year that has been, don’t harp on what you should have or could have done differently. Those mountains and valleys that you faced, were there for a very good reason. They challenged you in ways you could not have imagined, and you are so much better for it. Embrace the spaces that allow you to grow and be proud of all you achieved.
I would like to wish our staff, students and their families a wonderful summer holiday.
We look forward to welcoming our incoming Year 7 cohort and seeing you all in 2024.
Melissa Lozanovski
College Principal