From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~

Dear Families,


We have made it! What a sprint to the finish line it has been as well. Our concert was a wonderful celebration of our students and the work they have done in Performing Arts. The weather was beautiful and it was a treat to be able to mingle with you and catch up for a quick chat. Thank you once again to Jackie Bishop for leading this, the performances were a real credit to her hard work and dedication to the students.


Then it was the turn of Grade 6 to be the focus. Our Graduation Mass and Celebration was a beautiful evening. Thank you to our senior teaching team, Rosina Chandra, Samantha Baillie, Caitlin Hall, Linda Carter and Carlos Sanchez for the work that was put into making the evening run as smoothly as it did. A special thank you to Vanessa Cowan, one of our ESO team, for coordinating the decorating - the hall looked magnificent, as did the hub for the students special lunch.



As previously shared with you, we have a number of staffing changes for next year and there will be some new faces joining us. I am sure that you will give all of our new teachers and ESOs a warm St Therese's welcome. Mrs Denise Bratsos will be joining our specialist teaching team, she will be teaching Digital and Design Technologies. Mrs Fiona Stuart-Doherty will also join our ESO team.


Our staff list for 2024:


Deputy Principal and REL - Michelle Hinds

Wellbeing and Mental Health Leader - Trish Lloyd

Learning Adjustment Leader - Rosie Osthmuller


Admin Team - Colleen Johnson and Kerry O'Connell


Foundation Teaching Team - Maddie Foster and Malini Tyne

Grade 1 Teaching Team - Danielle Phillips and Sam Sempio

Grade 2 Teaching Team - Rebecca Jeffrey and Colleen Kathard

Grade 3/4 Teaching Team - Meghan Brockman, Liz Szabo, Sharon Evans, Andrew Orchard and Helen Hancock

Grade 5/6 Teaching Team - Rosina Chandra, Helen Hancock, Samantha Baillie and Caitlin Hall



Visual Arts - Catherine Hogan

Japanese - Joy Andrews

Physical Education - Carlos Sanchez

Digital and Design Technologies - Denise Bratsos


ESO Team  

Foundation - Susan Omond 

Grade 1 - Vanessa Cowan and Fiona Stuart Doherty

Grade 2 - Zvonko Majstorovic and Kirsten Beshara

Middles - Georgia Hura, Mariette El Khoury and Kylie Rizzo

Seniors - Kelly Taylor, Coreen Grimwood and Heshani Peiris


Maintenance - Ivan Stephen

Canteen - Lyn Harris


The school year will start for Grades 1 to 6 on Wednesday 31st January with our new Foundation students commencing on Thursday 1st February.


Prayerful Moment

As we prepare to close the doors of the school for the end of the year, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all. Thank you all for the care and support you show the staff of our school. Thank you for everything you do for and with our community.


For those of you whose time with us has come to an end, I wish you farewell and good luck to the children, whether your children are starting high school or a new primary school.


There is never a good time to lose a loved one but it always seems that much harder at Christmas time. Christmas is a time when we are waiting for the coming of Christ, preparing to celebrate and share joyous times with our friends and family. I ask that you keep Helen Hancock and Carlos Sanchez in your prayers during this time. Helen's mother passed away last week and Carlos lost his father yesterday. 


I hope that each of you has a restful break this Christmas and that you get to enjoy some quality time with your children. With luck, the weather will start to improve and we won't all be stuck indoors for the duration of the school holidays.


Felicity Broughton
