School Council News

Comms Sub-Committee Update

2023 has been a busy year for members of the Communications Sub-Committee of School Council. We have continued to review the various communication channels used by the school and make ongoing suggestions and improvements in response to parent and staff feedback. Earlier in the year we introduced the new format digital newsletter, we hope that parents are finding this easier to navigate and read.


A big focus for this Sub-Committee in 2023 has been to coordinate a review and refresh of the school’s branding that represents our history, our present school community and a view to the future. As with all big projects these things take time and we look forward to presenting the brand refresh early next year. A big thank you to the students, parents and staff who have been involved in this process so far. In particular we would like to thank David Marinelli and his creative team at Creative Order for the huge amount of time and care that has gone into this project and to Nic Goodman for her branding expertise and guidance in the review process.


Thank you to all the members of the 2023 comms subcommittee – Lyla Hennig, Lisa Liu, Henrietta Bird, Dimi Sfetsas and Ali Rehn.