Student Awards

Students of the Week

Mae A, PB - has shown excellent ability to set goals and be persistent to achieve them! I am very proud of you. Well done Mae! 


Roxy T, 4B - for inspiring 4B with her sensational Beyonce moves and singing. A real talent and a delight! 



Miki A, 1B - for her kind, caring and respectful manner towards her peers and consistently displaying the HERRRby values in the classroom and the playground.


 Zara E, 3B - for the incredible growth you have shown in your HERRRBY values this year. You have grown into a great friend!


Green HERRRBY Award

Chelsea , 2B - for always being environmentally conscious through recycling and using recycled materials when creating fantastic art. Keep it up!




Odin G, PA - for your amazing weekend writing story. I’m so impressed with your persistence this year! What a superstar!



Evie M, PC - for really getting into character in our Habitat Helpers. Your enthusiasm was infectious!


Ciara J, PD - for being a superstar swimmer, you are doing a great job!



Lielle R, 1A - for her enthusiasm, excellent participation and great listening during the school swimming program. 


Olivia B, 1B - for her outstanding report on Butterflies. You displayed your understanding by writing interesting facts and took pride in your presentation.


Sadie K, 1C - for her wonderful information report about butterflies. You included some interesting facts and excellent vocabulary. 


Owen B, 1D - for being a superstar in the pool! I love the way you try your best in everything you do, always keeping a smile on your face. 🙂


Gus G, 2A - for all of the amazing work and effort he has been putting into all of his activities lately. Keep up the outstanding work!


Leo L, 2B - for being a fantastic student who strives to do his best at all times. You have had such an awesome year Leo! 


Lani M, 2C - for your presentation on why "Cavoodles are the best dog." What a persuasive argument. Well done for speaking so well! 


Malia L, 2D - for being a kind, considerate, sensible and empathetic friend and always taking other people’s feelings into account.


Ariel M, 3A - for working really hard this term. We are very proud of you!


Mila S, 3B - for your incredible effort when it comes to all your school work. You have been an AMAZING student!


Gemma K, 4A - for writing a lovely and well thought-out poem about the Menora. You are a true poet!


Jessica W, 4C - for her sincere letter addressed to mum about her ‘life’ as a woman working at the goldfield.  


Rishi R, 4D - for his well written Haiku poem this week about Nighttime. Keep up the good work Rishi!!


Jonah J, 5A - for being a happy, helpful member of 5A and an all round great kid!


 Jake M, 5B - for being eloquent, fluent, articulate and very expressive.


Vladimir B, 5C - for demonstrating perseverance in the classroom by never giving up when tasks are challenging.