Year Four Team News

with Rebecca, Katie & Matt

Hello Year Four families,

Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Literacy: This fortnight in Reading, the students have been exploring fairytales and discussing the morals/author’s messages. This is in preparation for the stop motion movie the students are in the beginning process of creating. 

The planning and script writing for the stop motion movies have been the focus during our Writing sessions. Students have determined their storylines, morals and characters, while also documenting the setting.


Numeracy: This fortnight, the Grade Fours have finalised their Mass unit and are building on their conversion knowledge. Students have spent time converting a range of units of measurements such as centimetres, to millimetres, kilograms to grams, litres to millilitres and vice versa. The students immensely enjoyed making paper aeroplanes to then measure the distance they were thrown and converting that from metres to centimetres.

Inquiry:  Inquiry this fortnight saw the students explore the different continents. They researched many of their attributes such as its countries, types of climates and location. They also discovered popular animals, foods and of course famous landmarks. 


Important Dates Coming Up

Sunday the 26th of November - Seaside Fair



If you are able to send a box of tissues with your child to school it would be greatly appreciated.


Specialist Timetable for Semester 2 (Repeat) - Please note this is updated from Term 3 to reflect the Kitchen Garden program finishing and French returning.



Homework (Repeat) 

Students in Year 4 receive their homework on a Monday and are required to complete and hand in the following activities on the Friday of the same week. 

 Homework tasks include:

  • Reading – four nights per week for a minimum of 15 minutes. Students are to record the book titles for the week on the homework sheet.
  • Maths – playing the number games learnt in class at home to continue building number sense and revising learnt skills.
  • Spelling – suggested activities to help practise the words that your child has chosen.
  • Reminders – there are also reminders for students for the week.

Warm regards,

The Grade Four Team - Matt Eason-Jones (4E), Rebecca Givogue (4G)  & Katie Simeon (4S)