Around the School

Phone 9510 7420 or email
(Please notify the school by 9:30am)
Monday 6th November
(Staff Professional Learning)
If any of your personal details change (address, mobile number etc.), please let the school office know as soon as possible by email to
Enrolment for our music program is now open! If your child is interested in joining our program in Term 4 and learning a new instrument, I encourage you to sign them up today! Our program provides students with an enriching and engaging experience, where students have fun and learn a new skill with their peers. To enrol or find out more, please contact Musicorp at 1300 858 911 or visit the website at
Thanks, Ian McCulloch
Instrumental Music Tutor
PHYSICAL EDUCATION TERM 4 2023 - Foundation, Year 1, Year 2 & Year 3
Chris Kidman - Physical Education
The students have had a busy fourth term. We started with Tennis developing and improving our striking, throwing & catching skills using forehand and backhand strokes.
Foundation students learnt how to hold the racquet in Teddy bear, walk the dog and move the ball to hit a target & control the ball through varied activities.
Year 1 and 2 focused on improving their striking skills to a partner with one person throwing the ball over the net and the other person striking the ball. They had the opportunity to practice their rallying skills to each other.
Year 3 students focused on improving forehand, backhand, rallies, serving & ball control skills.
Our last activity for the year was T-ball where we once again focused on developing fielding and batting skills. Working together co-operatively in small team games.
Then we moved onto Cricket developing bowling, batting and fielding skills. We were fortunate to have St Kilda/Prahran Cricket players come and work with the students in week 7. The students had a wonderful time learning new skills and games.
If your child is interested in joining the cricket classes after school there are sessions after school on a Wednesday at 4pm at Orrong Park.
Friday 3rd November we celebrated the Italian Language and culture at St Mary’s. In the morning when we arrived at school we were really excited to see everyone dressed in costume and a mask. We heard Italian music playing and some of us started dancing. It was fun. We had a fashion parade where we saw all the different costumes. We then sang some songs and each Year level recited a poem. After this we were placed into groups and allocated a teacher. We stayed with that teacher all day and tried four different activities which Signora Vozzo planned for us. These activities were Waiter races, completing a mosaic, building an Italian sports car and making a Carnevale puppet. Some groups got to play Tombola also. These activities were fun. At lunchtime we all had a piece of Margherita pizza and a delicious chocolate or strawberry gelato. Everybody enjoyed themselves. Grazie Signora Vozzo!
In August this year St Mary’s was very proud and excited that 13 students from Years 3 - 6 participated in The Australian Maths Competition. The competition has 30 questions and covers questions about Basic arithmetic, Fractions and ratios, Algebra and pre-algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Statistics and probability & Problem-solving in Mathematics. Students from all over Australia entered were allowed 60 minutes to answer the questions. All students are to be congratulated and ought to be very proud of themselves. We look forward to more students participating in this competition next year.
Well done to Vihaana, Violetta, Davide, Olivia, Tara, Leo, Wilson, Amelia, Georgia, Isabella and Christos.
Expressions of Interest
At the request of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) board – our governing body, St Mary’s Primary School has established a School Advisory Council to support the Principal, Parish Priest and Leadership Team of the school. At the conclusion of this year we farewell a member and invite new members to apply.
While no particular expertise is required, the school seeks people with a range of diverse skill sets to best advise the principal, united by a desire to provide the best possible education for our students.
A balanced membership with parent voice on the School Advisory Council is well-placed to advise the principal about important matters, particularly those related to the school’s Mission and students’ success.
The needs of the council will be given priority in terms of ensuring a balance of gender, cultural diversity and skill sets.
Therefore, we are calling on you to express your interest in being part of the School Advisory Council. If you are a member of the parish or have children in the school and wish to be part of this exciting development, we would welcome your application in writing to Cathy Ferrari by Monday 11th December 2023.