
Koonung-Matsudo, Japan
Sister School Exchange Program
Expressions of interest to host Japanese students in July 2024
In 2024 we are delighted to be resuming our sister school program with Matsudo Municipal High School (also known as Ichimatsu), Japan. In mid-July (beginning of Term 3), students from Matsudo Municipal High School will visit Koonung Secondary College, participating in a range of school-based activities as well as having the opportunity to be immersed in Australian family life. The students will visit for approximately 8 days.
In 2025, it is proposed that students from Koonung Secondary College will have the opportunity to visit their host brothers/sisters as part of a reciprocal visit to Japan as well as enjoy similar experiences within the Matsudo High School setting.
We have had wonderful feedback from many host families in the past. There is so much for the whole family to gain from hosting, including creating long-lasting friendships, exchanging culture, and of course, enhancing language learning.
In February, we will invite the Koonung community for expressions of interest to host students from our Japanese sister school when they visit in July 2024. Here are some of the expectations of host families:
- Assistance with commuting to/from school
- Provision of school lunches
- Separate bedroom
- Have fun!
For the duration of the students’ stay, both Koonung and two teachers from Matsudo Municipal High School will be available to assist with any questions that might arise during the homestay.
If you are interested in participating in this program or have any further questions about the role of a host family, please don’t hesitate to forward your questions to Mia Poulton (E-mail:
Andrew McNeil
Languages in 2023
There has been lots of things happening in Languages this year! Many students have participated in abroad range of activities throughout the year.
Matsudo City Japanese student visit
In March, we welcomed eight students from Matsudo City, Japan. Students from Matsudo have regularly visited the College as part of the Whitehorse and Matsudo sister city relationship that was established more than 50 years ago!! The Japanese students were buddied up with Year 11 Koonung students who enthusiastically looked after them during their visit to our school and took advantage of the opportunity to practise their Japanese!
The students were formally welcomed to Koonung and Whitehorse City with a lunch and presentation from Whitehorse City Council Mayor, Mark Lane. During their Koonung visit Matsudo students were involved in many activities including:
- an introduction to Australian cooking by making ANZAC biscuits with Ms Anna Buzzi
- a visit to Healesville Sanctuary where they met with Australian wildlife and enjoyed an Aussie style BBQ
- created artworks reflecting Victorian flora with Mr Chris Henson
- participated in a Jazz workshop organised by Ms Penny Latham
- attended various classes with their buddies
In addition, the Matsudo students shared Japanese culture with some of our Year 9 students through fun activities and presentations, and participated in Japanese conversation classes with senior students. A big thank you to the Year 11 Koonung “buddies”, Mr Patrick Keegan, Ms Alicia Siming, Mr Mat Delaney, our 2023 College Captains and Language Captains, along with all other teachers and staff across the College who assisted with activities and welcomed the students to their classes.
Fun-Ji Kanji Club
In 2023, we began the “Fun-ji Kanji” club, enthusiastically led by Ms Alicia Siming and Mr Patrick Keegan. Every Thursday lunchtime, Room 52 became a hive of activity, with numbers continuing to grow each week! Activities ranging from teacher versus student Blookets, Kanji practice , Japanese study sessions, alfresco chalk Shiritori, Japanese games, Japanese music and anime, and much more!
New Language Centre mural
This year saw the beginnings of a new mural being designed for outside the Language Centre building. The previous mural has been painted over and is ready for a revamp! We have had many beautiful submissions from students for the mural, and weather permitting, hope to complete the mural in Term 1, 2024. Students were asked to create designs that reflected the broad range of cultures within our school, as well as highlight the two languages that can be studied at Koonung. The images are just a couple of wonderful examples of artwork submitted for the mural.
Above: Created by Erica So (7C) Below: Created by Jasmine Missen (10E)
French Soirée Trivia Night
In August Ms Rigoni and Ms Saward organised and accompanied a group of Year 10 students from Koonung to the Association of French Teachers of Victoria, Year 9/10 Soirée Trivia evening. There were several rounds of trivia which included questions in both English and French on the topics of geography, history, gastronomy, pop culture, the French language. It was a wonderful opportunity to get to meet students from other schools and to work together to test our knowledge immersed in French!
Model UN Koonung French Delegation
In July, Ms Debax and five Year 12 students and one Year 11 student attended the MODEL UN Conference in North Melbourne. This gathering provided a full day of French immersion and a simulation of the United Nations resolutions process. Students represented the republics of the Philippines and Madagascar, and they had to express their country's position in an opening speech on Combating Climate Change: Committing to Global Action in French, which is Goal 13 of the sustainable development goals by the UN. They also debated amendments to clauses and voted resolutions. This was a fantastic opportunity to practise their French oral, public speaking, debating and negotiating skills on the topic of the environment, which was our Unit 3 Area of study 3 content, as well as gaining insight into UN discussions and voting procedure. We had a fantastic day!
Koonung Day crêpes
On a sunny spring Koonung Day amongst all the wonderful festivities ,a French themed crêpe stall was run by Mr Keegan, Ms Poulton and Ms Rigoni. With assistance from our Food Tech staff, the front of Room 22 was transformed into a Parisian café. While listening to French ambient café tunes students enjoyed free nutella and lemon and sugar crêpes, and practised their French. Look out for our little café in 2024, as we continue to celebrate languages and culture within our school.
Languages in 2024
We have lots to look forward to in 2024. We will once again welcome students from Matsudo City (March), as well as students from our sister school, Matsudo Municipal High School (July). We will also be planning to complete the exchange with Koonung students visiting the high school in Japan in 2025. Planning will also begin in 2024 to resume our French sister school program with hopes of a visit from French students and a reciprocal visit by Koonung students to France in 2025.
Mia Poulton
Languages Domain Leader