Schoolwide Positive Behaviour

On behalf of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Team and the Koonung community, I would like to congratulate all students on a fantastic year. Over the course of 2023, our students have earned over 6000 positive compass chronical acknowledgements from staff members for their display of our six school values, Excellence, Endeavour, Resilience, Respect, Collaboration and Creativity. The most commonly recognised school value displayed by students was Endeavour, showing that Koonung students work hard, and try their best in order to achieve their goals.
Principal’s Commendation: Awarded to the student in both Senior and Middle school who receive the most positive compass chronical entries in a school year
Gold Badge: Awarded to a student who has received Nine Merit awards
Silver Badge: Awarded to a student who has received Six Merit awards
Bronze Badge: Awarded to a student who has received Three Merit awards
In addition to positive chronical entries, 2023 saw a large number of students at every year level receive Merit Awards at their Year Level Assembly, recognising their ability to consistently display our school values and expected behaviours when in the classroom, the yard, and in our community. In Semester Two, we also introduced a new SWPBS Badging System, to further encourage and acknowledge our student’s consistent positive behaviour, and allow them to proudly present their achievements on their school uniform.
This year’s recipients of the Principal’s Commendation Awards were;
Middle School: Gabriel Patino Portela (Year 7) - 31 Positive Compass Acknowledgements + Silver and Bronze Tier Badges.
Senior School: Gary Louey (Year 11) - 21 Positive Compass Acknowledgements + Bronze Tier Badge
Congratulations to both Gary and Gabriel on this fantastic achievement and your constant demonstrations of our school values.
Will Emerson
Learning Specialist: Positive Climate for Learning