Principal Report

As we approach the end of the year, I would like to thank all of our parents and families, staff, wider community and of course our wonderful students for a fantastic year of learning and growth at Koonung Secondary College. To our families who are leaving us this year as their children transition to tertiary study or the world of work, we say thank you for your support of the College and your children during their time here at Koonung. To our new families joining us, welcome to Koonung and we look forward to working with you and your children in the future.
To everyone in our community, have a fantastic summer break and Christmas with your families, stay safe and we look forward to continuing working with you and our students in 2024.
VCE Achievement 2023
Last week saw the release of the VCE results for 2023.
Before I outline the exceptional achievement of our 2023 cohort of students, I would like to remind all families that the ATAR and scored VCE is just one of the pathways available for students at Koonung. Together with scored VCE, some students undertake a non-scored VCE and in 2023 we introduced the Vocational Major VCE, in which students can undertake VET and School-based apprenticeships and Traineeships to achieve the VCE VM. However, the vast majority (over 87% of students) undertake a scored VCE. The VCE and the ATAR is not a perfect system. It does not recognise that students have different strengths and areas of interest, it does not reflect the true personality or character of a young person and it is not a predictor of future success or a guarantee of future success. It is though, the system that is currently in place and it is used solely for the purpose of tertiary entry in the year following the completion of high school. Having said that, it is also completely appropriate to acknowledge the success of our students in undertaking the VCE, both vocational, scored and non-scored and recognise the achievement of students who have demonstrated our college motto of 'Excellence through Endeavour'.
Much is spoken about the VCE, ATARS and the Median Study Score of a school. We are pleased to share that the achievement of the 2023 cohort of students has been exceptional. You may be aware of the Dux of the College, James Lonnen and his outstanding ATAR of 99.35, but there were also 36 other students who achieved an ATAR higher than 90 which constituted 26% of all students. 47% of our students achieved an ATAR higher that 80 with an overall average ATAR of 78.
We are also pleased to share that the high-level achievement of our students saw a median study score of the College of 32. This sees the achievement of our Koonung students amongst the best of government schools in Victoria. Congratulations to our students for their hard work and achievement, a big thank you to our brilliant teachers and support staff for their work and thank you to you, our families for your support as we work together to see our Koonung students work hard to achieve their goals and aspirations.
Presentation Evening
Our Presentation Evening, held at Deakin University on 30 November, was also a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge student excellence and achievement throughout the year. It was a celebration of our students' persistence and hard work to achieve strong academic results across the curriculum including music, leadership, community, academics, sport and the arts during 2023.
I would like to acknowledge Michael Thompson, past Koonung student, who spoke at the evening in our traditional Alumni address. Michael completed his time at Koonung in 2021 and is currently studying Medicine at Monash university.
Please see the Presentation Evening page of this newsletter with a full list of all students recognised for their achievements in 2023.
Artists in Schools Ceremony
Koonung Secondary College operate within an exceptional community. An example of this was witnessed this month as we came together to open our new PFA Garden featuring an artwork created together by students of the College with renowned local artist Damian Curtain. Koonung has been privileged to have both Damian and Farimah Eshraghi join us in 2022 and 2023 as part of the Whitehorse Council's Artists in Schools program.
Please see the Visual Arts page of this newsletter for further details of how this program enhances the learning and creativity of our students. I would like to thank our Parents and Friends Association (PFA) for their fundraising over many years to provide the funding for the garden space (as well as the redevelopment of the green pitch at the front of the College) and the Whitehorse Council for their involvement in supporting the development of the Arts in Koonung and our wider community. Thank you also to Whitehorse Councillors Amand McNeill and Blair Barker for their support of the College.
Year 9 Transition Program
In preparation for their transition from the Middle School to the Senior School, all Year 9 students have been involved in a transition program following their end of semester exams. The program focused on skills in developing social connections, as well as preparing students for the rigours of Senior School and being leaders within the College. All students undertook Teen Mental Health Training and Peer Support Training, which will allow them to mentor the incoming Year 7 students, but also support their own mental health and recognise ways of supporting their peers. Further sessions included common sense first aid training, leadership workshops and dealing with social media.
Retiring Staff
On behalf of the entire Koonung Secondary College community, I would like to acknowledge and wish all the best for a number of Koonung staff who are retiring after many years of exceptional service.
Koonung is saying farewell to a number of staff who have worked with students in our community for a combined total of over 126 years, and with over 185 years of service and dedication to students in Victorian Government schools.
Thank you for your time, commitment, perseverance, care and expertise in working with our students and your colleagues in making a difference to lives of so many young people-
Michelle Gibbs- Mathematics: 37 years of service
Helen Lamers- College Nurse: 15 years of service
Helen Caine- Science: 16 years of service
Gail Munro- Geography: 36 years of service
David Forward- Music: 33 years of service
Jonny Wanner- Woodwind: 40 years
Congratulations all our retirees on their respective retirements and we thank you for your many years of service, vision, passion and commitment. Each and every one of you has been inspirational and impacted our school and the lives of so many students. We wish you a happy and fulfilling retirement and thank you for everything you have done for us.
Farewelling Staff
I would like to acknowledge the staff who are departing Koonung Secondary College this year. Some staff are taking family leave, some staff will be on leave and some staff will be moving into roles at different schools. I would like to thank all staff moving onto other things in 2024 and beyond and thank them for their service and care of Koonung students.
Staff on Family leave-
Sam Murdoch
Georgina Russell
Staff on Leave-
Will Emerson
Sue Cook
Sharyn Paspa
Staff leaving Koonung Secondary College-
Samantha Prosenak
Nat Exon
Alicia Liu Siming
Janna Becker
Zaiga Bendrups
Margarita Plarinos
Alison Jansz Senn
Guada Banez
I would also like to acknowledge Sandra Greenhill, who will be on leave in Term 1, 2024. Allira Howe will be stepping into the Acting Assistant Principal role in semester 1 of 2024.
Toilet Refurbishment
When students return to for the 2024 school year, they will do so with the new Breezeway Toilet block back in action. A big thank you to everyone involved in lobbying for the funds to upgrade the original 1960s toilet block into modern, clean and safe toilets. Thank you to the students, who through student voice, advocated for better facilities, and to local Member for Box Hill, Mr Paul Hamer, for supporting the College in creating our new toilets.
Facebook and Instagram
The College utilises social media to provide quick updates, interesting events, and lots of photos to our community.
We have one official Facebook page and three Instagram pages for member of our community to follow.
Koonung Secondary College | Melbourne VIC | Facebook
Instagram -
Official School Account-
Library Account- KSC Library
Student Leaders- Koonung_secondary_college
Andrew McNeil