Sport Education 

Year 7 and 8 Sport Education Tournament

This term, all students in Year 7 and 8 Sport Ed competed in a class verse class tournament with an emphasis on sportspersonship, respect and fun. After 10 weeks of gruelling home and away competition, earning points from competing in the sports of basketball, netball, rounders, soccer and initiative games, the grand final was held last week with the following results:


Year 7 Tournament:

1st Place and champions, 7D!

2nd Place 7A

3rd Place 7B

4th Place 7E

5th Place 7C

6th Place 7G

7th Place 7H

8th Place 7F


Year 8 Tournament:

1st Place and champions, 8A!

2nd Place 8F

3rd Place 8G

4th Place 8D

5th Place 8E

6th Place 8C

Equal 7th Place 8I and 8B

9th Place 8H


Congratulations to all students for a fair and enjoyable competition! An even bigger congratulations as well to those students who were voted best and fairest each week by their teachers (see photos attached).

 Claire Murray

Health, Physical Education and Sport Ed Domain Leader