Uniform and Lockers

Out of Uniform Process
Students are reminded that they are expected to wear full school uniform every day.
In the event that a student is out of uniform, they are required to provide a note that is written and signed by a parent/guardian. This note should be dated and clearly state the reason and the part of the uniform which is incorrect and the date when the uniform will be rectified.
Notes can cover students for a limited time only, as deemed appropriate by the House Leader. Students should present this note to the House Leader’s office prior to the commencement of period 1 for approval. Students that are not in uniform will not be admitted to class without a Uniform Pass, therefore they must also report to the House Leader’s office prior to period 1.
A note will not allow for students to wear hoodies or sports leggings. These items are not to be worn to school. Appropriate uniform will be provided.
Approved Uniform Passes: When a note is provided, the student will be issued with a Green Approved Uniform Pass which they are to carry with them for the entire day.
Unapproved Uniform Passes: When no note is provided, the student will be issued with a Red Unapproved Uniform Pass, which they are to carry with them for the entire day, and they will be required to attend a detention in P10 at the start of lunch. Failure to attend the lunch detention will result in a Thursday after school detention. Students/Parents/Guardians will receive a notification via Compass if a detention is issued.
House Leaders also have a supply of clean uniform/shoes, and where practical, students will be loaned items to wear to ensure that they meet our school uniform requirements.
If students require support in procuring uniform items, they are able to contact their Form Teacher or House Leader for assistance. The Parents’ Association also runs a second-hand uniform shop, which is open to students to purchase uniform items on Friday mornings.
We ask that ALL students empty and clean out their locker by the following date:
Year 7 – 9 15 December
Students must take their padlock and retain for next year.
Any items left in lockers after 15 December will be disposed of as the school does not have the resources to sort through and store items (this includes padlocks).
Thank you.