Foundation Mainstream Celebrating Learning

Mainstream Preps have enjoyed welcoming Thornbury Kindergarten to our school.
Prep students have taken great pride and enjoyment in the opportunity to read their readers to the kinder students and show them around the school grounds.
These visits have played an important part in our Grade One transition programme, as our prep students reflect on their first year of school and share their knowledge and experience to the kindergarten students.
Sunrise Kindergarten will be visiting next, and we look forward to welcoming them and continuing to build our connection to our community.
Being a preppie is great because you get to make lots of new friends!
Millie FB
You need some courage and some kindness to learn and make friends at school.
Kitty FB
I think kinder kids can look forward to building together.
Jake FB
Something to look forward to about being in Prep is our Arts Festival!
Dylan FB
The teachers are very great and you can learn how to write and be your own story-maker.
Florence FA