The Fun Run fundraiser is back after a two-year break! The whole school will be involved, with the chance to run on the new route that heads from the Art room stage, across to Park and around the oval.
The FunRun will be happening on Friday 1st December from 11.45 to 12.45.
The children will ask members of their family to sponsor them on the run. If you sponsor your child for 50 cents a lap and they complete 5 laps that’s $2.50.
5 laps is probably a conservative number of laps.
You should have received a paper sponsorship form on Wednesday 15th November.
The theme this year is "Music Makes you Move". Wear sports gear if that’s your jam, OR dress as your favourite musician or something related to music!
The whole school will meet at the Babajen Stage. We will have a quick warm-up with Mary's dancers and then slowly release the Foundation children and then the bigger kids to start the running.
This is a fundraiser, so we are going to buy some new basketball tops and then throw the rest of the money to the fundraising committee to allocate to school programs.
How does it work?
Students are sponsored by parents/carers/relatives (by cash or card) and then run as many laps as they promised or more!
We have also asked all the staff and students from each class to add to a music play list for the day and DJ James will keep the tunes rolling.
Parents/Carers if you want to run, walk with your child and or help as a marshal we would love to have you participate. Just let them know at the office if you would like to help. You will need a WWCC.
The teachers have promised they will wear their trackies and headbands.
Lastly a thank you to all the children/parents/carers/teachers and especially James Illia, Georgia Ingram, and Jo Boyce for helping with the organisation in advance!!
Thanks Everyone
P.E. Leigh