School Council

Wow, what a beautiful day on Saturday! It was another amazing Arts Festival where we packed in so many awesome creative activities that it literally did not fit in the scheduled time. I’m sure kids and parents alike will have made many great memories. It was incredible to see the community work together, events like that take a lot of work and we have seen people be so generous with the time and skill that made it such to make the event a success.
Speaking of creative endeavours, a big shoutout to Sam Lord for giving the aboriginal flag weaving on Murray Street a touch up, it looks great.
Masterplan and grounds subcommittee have been very busy working to help the architects understand our school and school community to inform the masterplan design. They have held a number of different in person and online forums to gather our feedback and put it all together in a package for the architects.
Planning for the rejuvenation of outdoor spaces on the Murray Street side of the Babajen is progressing well. The year 5/6 teachers and learners have been working hard to design the new space as part of the curriculum unit Design and Technology Unit ‘Grand Garden Designs".
Also keep your eyes peeled for details coming out next week about our End of Year BBQ Friday. Off the back of our Mango Fundraiser we will be selling local Mornington Peninsula Cherries in 1 kg bags to collect at the BBQ.