Year 3/4–Celebrating Learning

Research Project!
The 3/4s have started working on an exciting research project to investigate different countries around the world. They have all chosen a country from South America, Southeast Asia, Africa, or one of Australia’s neighbours, and have begun researching facts to assemble a poster and accompanying writing piece. Some of the topics we are looking into include population, national anthems, environmental landscape, and local flora and fauna.
In Maths, the 3/4s have been wrapping up our fractions unit. The students have done an excellent job developing their understanding of fractions and learning about equivalent fractions, numerators and denominators, and how to evenly share tricky shapes like circles. We have also started to investigate decimals and their relationships to fractions. The 3/4s have started exploring time, reading analogue clocks to the minute and solving time lapse problems.
In Writing, we are enjoying some creative free writing time. The ¾ students are finishing up pieces from throughout the year, as well as starting some excellent new pieces that show off their new paragraphing skills and their interests. We can’t wait to read them all!
The Year 1-4s have had two mini transition sessions to practise being in their 2024 grade levels. They have had a great time meeting some new friends and seeing who they work well with and might like to be in a class with next year. This week the 2024 3/4s did some origami, working with one another to fold some pretty fun creatures like a horse, a bunny and a talking dog!