Student Awards

School Values Award




Ella C- For Kindness and Excellence





Jessica K- For Excellence

Merit Awards

Mon 13 NovStudent NameFor...
FAHugo HAlways asking questions that show he is listening and building on his understandings of our world.
FMMarty HAlways trying his best in every subject. 
1MVictor CBeing a kind, caring and selfless friend to all in our classroom. Well done!
1/2HLucy MThe amazing effort that you have put into the drafting, editing and publishing of your personal choice writing piece. Amazing work Lucy!
2BEvelyn WBeing a kind and helpful classmate!
2RLaurinda GWonderful efforts with her Reading this semester. Well done!
3OEva DSettling into POPS and confidently sharing about her recent trip overseas.
3/4PWill CPutting great effort into all his learning. Well done.
4PXavier MHis great effort in improving his concentration during class instruction time.
4QAnnabel SDrafting a fantastic Dreamtime story about "how the koalas got their big noses". Amazing effort!
5MBlake CShowing great persistence when undertaking a range of activities in and outside the classroom. Welcome to POPS Blake! 
5McLiam MBeing a supportive friend and demonstrating the POPS school value of kindess. 
6GNoah SShowing great enthusiasm when reading a variety of books!
ArtAlexia SThe beautiful garden and caterpillar that she painted in art.
PEThomas BDemonstrating excellent sports-personship at the Boys Netball Gala day. Keep up the great work Thomas!
PAMarx HDoing a great job following a dance choreography in Performing Arts. Great work Marx! 
MandarinBen RHis great effort in the Mandarin class and always getting his work done in time.