Student News


Well done to Gracie who had a fabulous weekend with her pony Mouse at the interschool event run by Toorak College at Boneo Park. Gracie handled herself beautifully and wore the St Mary's uniform with pride. They won some ribbons and a trophy for the fancy dress. Most importantly, she had fun and flew the St Mary's flag well. Well done to Mouse too - an extra carrot for you!






Over the last couple of months, Theo has been asking his family to help people. Donating money and food wasn't enough - he wanted to actively help someone. After a lot of persistence from Theo, they headed into the city to Volunteer with The Humble Mission - a volunteer network who established themselves providing emergency food relief during covid lockdowns.


 Standing under a bridge with a few trestle tables of food ready to be distributed, Theo confidently began handing out food (including his private stash of lollies) to the many people waiting in line. He held conversations and danced, making people smile and laugh. He also helped make signage and made sure everyone followed the rules. 


At the end of the service, his parents were expecting a whole lot of questions about some of the things they saw while they were there, but his only two questions were - 

Why did some people not want to talk - are they sad? 

When can we do it again? 


Theo showed a huge amount of compassion and empathy to all the people he met that day; what a way to live out the St Mary's way.