The Fathering Project

Perinatal Mental Health

Last week was Perinatal Mental Health Week, a time to raise awareness of the importance of looking after your mental health pre and post-birth. Parenthood is a life-altering experience, bringing joy and excitement alongside unexpected challenges. As a new dad, it's essential to be mindful of the transformative journey, prioritising not only the well-being of your child, but also your own mental health and that of your partner.

Recent statistics show that 1 in 5 new mothers and 1 in 10 new fathers or non-birthing partners encounter perinatal depression and anxiety, affecting around 100,000 Australian parents annually. To foster a positive and fulfilling experience, it's crucial to proactively address these challenges and seek support when needed.

Top Tips

1. Encourage open communication

It’s essential for new dads to feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions during this significant life change. Encourage open communication within your relationship and create a safe space for discussing concerns, fears, and even the joys of parenthood.


2. Prioritise self-care

Although you have entered a new stage of your life with different priorities, that doesn’t mean you forget to look after yourself! It’s important to get adequate rest where possible, regular exercise, and moments of personal time to maintain mental health.


3. Connect with other dads

Building a community of support with other new dads can be invaluable, whether it’s a group of your mates or in your workplace. Connecting with others and sharing experiences helps to normalise the range of emotions.

Dad Joke of the Week!​​​​​​


I don't have a "dad bod", I like to refer to it as a "father figure... "​​​​​​​​​​​