School News

NEW - Bike Legends

The Bike Legends group has continued to meet fortnightly this term to work on hands-on skills, teamwork and problem solving.


This term we focused on carpentry skills to plan and build two wooden bike features.

The boys first task was building a small ‘launch’ ramp. The group used a string line to trace out a radius on a sheet of plywood, so the ramp had a smooth curve. We then talked about safety and PPE for power tools and looked at safe ways to operate a power drill. Using the drill, they measured and drilled holes in the plywood and then used screws to put supports in. Then using clamps, the boys bent a thin piece of plywood on top of the ramp and secured with screws.  


The next task was building a wooden ‘roller’ feature. Using similar skills to the ramp, the boys worked together to cut the shape out of plywood and then place supports in the middle using the drill and screws.


Over the course of the program, I have been impressed with the growth in knowledge and teamwork the boys have displayed. It has been great to see the group apply mathematics skills to plan the features and then problem solve any small issues that happened.

Well done to all involved!

Mr. Andew Nilbett

NEW - Library

If students are wondering what books to borrow for the Christmas holidays, have a look at these popular titles! Here are the top five books borrowed in 2023:

  1. Camping Time! by Anh Do
  2. Fetch-22 by Dav Pilkey
  3. The Dragonet Prophecy by Tui T. Sutherland
  4. Lord of the fleas by Dav Pilkey
  5. Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus by Mo Willems

The new library management system (Accessit) has been installed and students will be able to borrow their holiday reading next week.

NEW - Foundation

Foundation Students had a visit from some of the mums with their babies. We had a chat about how to prepare for a baby as we are coming into Advent and speaking about The Christmas Story. The students were able to make a connection between getting ready for baby Jesus and what would have been the same or different. 

We further discussed how we can get ready for Christmas by helping others and being the best we can be.

Thank you to the Mums who could make it. The students enjoyed the time together. 

NEW - Candy Canes

It is that time of the year when our students are enjoying giving and receiving Christmas cards. Parents are asked to please not give their children candy canes, lollies, etc to give other students. We thank you for your cooperation.

NEW - Zooper Doopers

NEW - Teaching and Learning

2023 has been a busy and exciting year in many ways, for our students and staff. In the area of Teaching and Learning,  we have pursued  some adjustments and developments in classroom teaching programs at Sacred Heart School. Students and teachers alike have worked hard in gaining new skills, particularly in the areas of Reading and Spelling. Our staff have worked tirelessly in the development of a whole school approach to teaching both these areas of the curriculum. This involved a significant financial investment in providing professional learning for all staff, as well as purchasing the required resources.


Our reading materials have been updated in line with current research and teachers now have access to high quality and engaging texts to assist them to teach reading strategies and skills to students in small groups. Teachers were provided with professional learning opportunities throughout the year to assist them to further develop their knowledge in best practice in the effective teaching of reading.  We also developed 'classroom libraries' in every classroom to enable students to practise their reading strategies through the allocation of independent reading time.


Our understanding that strong phonological awareness is the basis for literacy acquisition, prompted us to revisit our school's approach to teaching phonics. Teachers from Foundation to Year 2 participated in an intensive professional learning series called Little Learners Love Literacy. This program is designed by Speech Pathologists and focuses on phonemic awareness, the alphabetic code, vocabulary development and the link between knowledge in this area and reading, writing and spelling.  


In addition, and in recognition of the link between reading and spelling, we made a commitment to fund (through both professional learning and teacher resources), and begin intensive direct instruction in spelling, using the highly recommended and research based program of Spelling Mastery. Students were grouped according to their spelling proficiency and were taught spelling strategies, patterns  and rules in a sequential and explicit manner.


Our data analysis for this year has shown that our commitment to improvement in these areas has had a significant impact, with the majority of student groups showing above average growth in both reading and spelling. This is gratifying to see and we feel confident we are setting our students up with a sound literacy basis that will assist them in all other learning areas as they continue through their schooling.

NEW - Lost Property

Please ensure your child checks lost property located in the entrance hall prior to the end of term for any missing items. Thank you.

I Heart Sacred Art Magazine

For the first time, Sacred Heart has its very own art magazine! The perfect stocking-filler and conversation starter, our art magazine in full colour will brighten any coffee table.

Orders are now being taken in the office. Payment (cash only) is required with the order. 


Christmas Appeal

This term the Grade 6 Social Justice Team are holding a Christmas Appeal and we would like each grade to bring in their designated item for their basket to give to the appeal. 


We would like the Foundation classes to bring breakfast foods, tinned fruit and/or tinned ham. 

We would like the 1/2s to bring Christmas biscuits, crackers, chocolate and lollies. 

We would like the 3/4s to bring toiletries and other sanitation products. 

Finally we would like the 5/6s to bring Christmas decorations such as wrapping paper, cards, pens or bonbons. 


We hope all the grades help us give Mini Vinnies the items they need so we can support the less fortunate this Christmas. 

By Nate and Michael (and the Social Justice Team)

PAM & SiMON Everywhere Guide


At Sacred Heart we value the support of volunteers. Over your child/ren’s journey through Primary School there are many opportunities to volunteer and support your child and the school. Please visit the volunteer page on the school website for further information.

NCCD Fact Sheet for Parents, Guardians and Carers

Lunch Orders

Tatura Hot Bread Bakery will be providing the School lunch orders for two days a week. Lunch orders will be available Thursdays and Fridays. Please find below the 2023 price list.  There is an example on how to correctly fill in the lunch order bag on Daily Messages, the Hot Bread Shop has advised that all lunch orders need to be in the correct format.  Thank you.

A reminder orders are to be done through the School, not to be dropped off at the Bakery.

Second Hand Uniform Sales

Sacred Heart will now only be accepting second hand uniform items as a donation to the school. If families wish to sell items we request that this is done privately. Please see below the current uniform stock available for purchase. If you wish to have a browse of the uniforms or make a purchase, please see Sally in the school office on Tuesday or Wednesday.



School Bag$10.00
Pants (slacks & sports)$5.00
Polo Shirt (short sleeve)$2.00
Polo Shirt (long sleeve)$2.00
Shorts (sports & non-sports)$2.00
Skirt & Skort$2.00