What's Happening at
St John's
What's Happening at
St John's
On Thursday 16th of November, the i sea i care ambassadors and Miss Salmon went on an excursion to Jack’s Beach. Where we looked and learnt about aboriginal culture, wetlands and what plants are native to Australia.
The first activity that we did was learn all about different indigenous plants and animals that the park rangers find every day at Jack’s beach. They also spoke about lots of plants that have been introduced into the area that are causing havoc to the environment. After we had learnt about the plants and animals we went on a walk along the boardwalk to see what else we could find. We stopped multiple times to talk about different things we saw.
We then met a woman named Skylar, who talked about her aboriginal culture and showed us how they used possum furs to turn into blankets. These blankets are very important to their culture and would eventually tell someone's life story.
Afterwards, Skylar taught us how to make a fire. She got a soft bigger piece of wood and a sturdy stick. She placed the soft bigger piece of wood on the floor and crouched down, she positioned the stick on top of the wood and started to spin it. It made an indent on the soft piece of wood and Skylar said that our goal was to make smoke but not a fire because we were in an area with lots of dry grass. We split into groups and got the wood that we needed. I was with Vida and Morgan and Alyssa were together. We started off with Vida spinning the stick and I held the piece of wood and swapped half way through. We did end up making smoke and it was really fun.
Lastly, Skylar taught us how the aboriginal people would hunt with a spear. Some animals that they were trying to hunt were too fast so they used a spear to hit it from far away. She then showed us how to actually throw a spear with a tool called a spear thrower, which had a hole on the end that you stick the end of the spear onto. We then gripped it at the bottom, pulled it back and you flung it away. We all had two turns at throwing the spear, it was lots of fun.
We ended our day together with a delicious BBQ lunch, and donuts for dessert.
In year 5/6 we have been learning all about light. We have been exploring how light behaves, particularly focusing on how light forms shadows and interacts with different materials through absorption, reflection, and refraction. We have also learnt about lasers and how they are used in the real world everyday. We have conducted many experiments which helped us with our understanding of shadows, how light interacts with different materials and refraction.
Last week we went to twisted science where we did a workshop consolidating our learning about light and shadows. We enjoyed the different experiments that we did, including mirrors to show how reflection of objects changes depending on the angle of the mirror. We also got to explore the exhibit floor which had lots of different science activities, it was lots of fun.
Over the past year, we have had quite a lot of donations of second-hand uniform that is kept for use where needed. We greatly appreciate all the donations but we have ended up with a large excess that we would rather be used in our community, so on the night of the Bush Christmas Concert, 11th December, there will be tables set out on the decking outside the staffroom with all the excess stock available for parents to go through and take what they need.
This is the only time we will have the clothing available.
We have some COVID rapid antigen tests available in the office that are still within their use-by dates. If you need any please contact the office.
Icy poles are available from the canteen every Friday at lunchtime for $1. These are cash only and are not available through Flexischools.