Faith, Community and Culture

This page includes: Year 5/6 presentation of the two Josephs from the Bible

                                       Prep, pjs and prayer evening

                                       Student v staff basketball g

The Jesse Tree continued...

We were all 'in school' as the year 5 and 6 students presented us with the stories of two Josephs - Joseph, the son of Jacob (famous for his technicolour coat) and Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.  We giggled as we listened to, and watched, our talented and enthusiastic senior students present the differences and similarities of these two characters.  Mr Alex Japp was encouraging to all students in 'his' class as he questioned them deeply about their understanding.  I think Sophie became the number one student in the school as she rang the bell for the class to be dismissed!  What a wonderful and colourful celebration of two Joseph's.


At next week's assembly, we look forward to the prep students presenting the story of Jesus' birth - we hope to see you there.


Preps, pj's and prayers - Our Father

Last Tuesday night the foundation students and their carers gathered to learn about the Lord's Prayer and how they could connect in today's context.  Parents and carers enjoyed some time to converse with their child at eight stations.  

Our Father - Into God's Hands

Hallowed be your Name - Names God is known by

Your Kingdom Come - Big Questions are hard to understand, God has an answer

Your will be done - Jesus' footprints following God's way

On Earth as it is in Heaven - The World and those we pray for

Give Us this Day - The Bread of Life to nourish us

Forgive Us our Sins - Write something we are sorry for and throw it in the bin

Lead us not into temptation - Use a Glow stick to be the light of Christ

Student v Teacher basketball game

The annual student vs. teachers basketball match was held last Thursday.  The students talked the talk but were once again beaten by the teachers who walked the walk.  The final scoreline was 30 - 7.  

Highlights included: (Match report by Lincoln)

  • Lincoln shot a three-pointer
  • Paguer with a big reject on Mr Caine
  • Meia dribbling between her legs, taunting the talented teachers
  • Mr Mac had many good shots
  • Mr Lefevbre put pressure on 
  • Mr Caine has a whole lot of height
  • Miss Salmon was the highest scorer of the day
  • Miss Burdett was hilarious on the court
  • Ms Cotta brought her professionalism to the game and included everyone
  • People who don't usually play basketball did well 

Good luck to the year 6's next year, hope you can beat the teachers (they're getting older!)