Connect: Level 6

Kristy Cullen, Kym Seccull, Michelle Stainforth, Richelle Fraser & Amanda Stanford

Important Dates

Week 9

  • Monday 27th November - Softball State Finals
  • Friday 1st December - Level 6 Activity Fit excursion

Week 11

  • Tuesday 12th December - Statewide Year 7 Transition Day
  • Thursday 14th December - Level 6 Beach Swimming

Week 12

  • Monday 18th December - Level 6 Graduation
  • Tuesday 19th December - GESAC End of Primary School Celebration

A friendly reminder that mobile phones are not permitted to be used by any student, on school grounds. Please do not ask your child to message or call you throughout the school day. Once your child is off-site, they may use their phone. 


Grade 6 were fortunate to have a session with Professor Misty Adoniou on Friday 10th November. During the lesson, students examined the text 'Black Cockatoo' by Carl Merrison and Hakea Hustler. They looked at the ways to use a mentor text to transform their own writing, at a word and sentence level. They played with the story, by reordering words from sentences to transform their meaning. Misty's research has shown that this type of task has a profound impact on student's ability to write their own stories, using exceptional word choices, measured sentence structure, and creativity. 

The students have completed their final Cold Write Assessment, we are excited to see how they apply what they have learnt this semester to their story writing.  



The students have been busy completing revision and assessment tasks to inform their end-of-year reports. Although most assessments have been completed, there is still plenty to revise ahead of Grade 7. 


Inquiry - The 'YOU' Project

Today marks the end of our mini ERP on Healthy Choices. As part of our Health unit, students were asked to complete a project outlining the ways they lead a healthy lifestyle, including food, exercise, relaxation choices to preserve their wellbeing and support networks assist in times of triumph. Mrs Stainforth and Mrs Fraser explored the five food groups and discussed the importance of keeping hydrated and how we listen to our bodies. Students were able to walk away with valuable information that informs their health project, the 'You' project. We are so excited to see the students transfer their knowledge and produce a creative project that explores a health body. 

Learning about healthy choices
Learning about healthy choices



All students participated in 'The Great Nurdle Hunt' this week at Sandringham Beach. Wilko has been working with the students to understand the impact of waste on our environment. We are very grateful to Wilko and Safety Sue for their organisation of the excursion and passion they have for the environment. 

















Year 7 Transition

In conjunction with orientation days, the Grade 6 teachers have organised a Year 7 transition program that will further aid the transition process. We will be completing these sessions during the next couple of weeks with a focus on self-regulation, mindful choices, and independence. 



Last week was our final homework cycle for the year. We applaud the students all their hard work this year. Those of you who have consistently taken pride in submitting homework tasks are well prepared for high school. 


Shout outs! 

  • We wish the Softball team and Jacqui Perdriau all the best for State Finals at Waverley Baseball Centre, on Monday 27th November.  Congratulations to Jack D, Charlie D, Bodhi E, Alexander H, Owen H, Axel K, Sidh N, Edward R, Zachary R, Alexander W and Leo W! 
  • Thank you and congratulations to the following students who have given their all this term and exude the SEPS values: Isabel A, Luke M, Jack D, Alex H, Taylan O, Lance M, Zac R, Fiona H, Elena Z, Lilah C, Grace D, Oscar A, Eli A, Lily C, Zaaria M, Oscar H, Kaia B, Aydan K. What a pleasure it is, to have you in our cohort. 
  • Thank you to all the parent helpers who assisted us on our 'Great Nurdle Hunt' at Sandringham Beach.