Connect: Level 5

Jacqueline Perdriau, Kate Littlehales, Zarah Scott, Jana Hain, Eileen Thompson

A friendly reminder that mobile phones are not permitted to be used by any student, on school grounds. Please do not ask your child to message or call you throughout the school day. Once your child is off-site, they may use their phone. 

Week 9 and 10

Important Dates:

Week 9: Friday December 1st - Level 4 and 5 Summer Interschool sport try-outs 

Week 10: Friday December 8th - Curriculum Day (no students at school)


Year 5 Beach swimming December 13th -  payment/consent now due on Compass

What is happening in our classrooms? 



The Level 5 teachers had the opportunity to observe Professor Misty Adoniou teach the Level 6 students how to use a mentor text to transform their own writing, at a word and sentence level. Some of the skills we will be exploring in the next two weeks include:

-different types of figurative language used in the texts. 

-different word choices and how they impact the reader. 


The students are also working on procedural texts as they produce recipes for the Level 5 Oz Harvest cook book, and they will be utilising persuasive skills as they prepare applications for student leadership positions.



We are coming to the end of our assessments and will continue to touch on financial literacy. We will also continue applying our knowledge of fractions, place value, multiplication, and division to solve a wide range of 'real life' problems. 


In applied Maths, we have been learning how to measure and classify angles. Students have been busy creating their own 'dream mini golf course'. In week 9, students will be showcasing their final draft to classmates and having a gallery walk...with protractors! This will allow students an opportunity to see all of the fun, creative ideas (and sneak in some extra practice measuring the angles of many mini golf courses).   



The excitement between our Level 5s and the current Preps is palpable. Their strong leadership skills and ability to make other, younger students feel comfortable, welcome, and engaged in learning activities has been commendable. During recess and lunch times, we have been seeing new friendships and connections all over the yard between the two cohorts. We are so proud of our SEPS students. Specific buddies are yet to be officially paired as they get to know each other through their time together and group activities.




This term, Level 5 students have been learning about the qualities that make a good leader in preparation for next year. We have covered topics such as the importance of having "grit" and a growth mindset as well as the different types of leadership strengths. 


Students have begun to research a leader who has been an inspiration to them and to identify their own leadership strengths and values that could be brought to 2024 student leadership positions.


In the next two weeks, students will be given time in class to work on their applications for 2024 student leadership roles and specific information about what each leadership job entails.