Connect: Level 4

Leon Tremain, Trudy Gau, Matilda Van Vloten, Tilly Gunasekera

A friendly reminder that mobile phones are not permitted to be used by any student, on school grounds. Please do not ask your child to message or call you throughout the school day. Once your child is off-site, they may use their phone. 


Important Dates


Week 9:

  • Friday 1st December - - Level 4/5 Interschool Sport Summer trials. 

Week 10:  

  • Friday 8th December - Curriculum Day (no students at school).

Week 11:

  • Friday 15th December - End of year Level 4 Celebratory Pizza Lunch hosted by L4 Teachers.

Week 12:

  • Tuesday 19th December- Level 3/4 Movie Excursion to Southland (End of Year Celebration).



In the next few weeks, we will be looking at Poetry. We will be deconstructing the text “The Little Wave” written by Pip Harry, and investigating the storyline and plot as stories that begin separately but connect at different times. When looking at The Little Wave we are going to explore how we can compare and contrast characters, look at authors voice and unpack how we can use similar techniques in our own literacy work. For spelling, we will be unpacking how etymology and traditional Aussie Slang is used in the text “The Little Wave” and the language the author uses throughout the story.


In writing, we have been looking at persuasive writing techniques and strategies to strengthen the writing pieces created. The students have been making sure their writing includes emotive language to hook the reader in, while supporting their arguments with evidence and statistics. When writing, a particular skill we have been practising is editing and revising our work to create compelling arguments.



Over the next few weeks, the L4 students will be consolidating their place value skills and knowledge to support their understanding of measurement. In order for students to have a deep understanding of measurement, they need to be able to convert formal units, e.g. metres to kilometres, litres to millilitres, etc. Our place value system is a base ten system (this means that each digit in a number has a value that is 10 times larger/smaller than the digit next to it). Once students know how many cms in a metre, mms in a cm, mg in a gram, etc. they can apply their place value knowledge to convert between units.

In order to support us from home, please could you engage in conversation with your child about the measurements and their units that we use around the house, during our every day lives, e.g. cooking, shopping.

We will also be working on rounding measurements to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Again it is important to use our knowledge of formal measurement units and place value to support rounding skills.  

Feel free to download and print the conversion posters to have at home.


Our Level 4 students are filled with excitement upon learning that they will become the new buddies for the 2024 Preps. This presents a fantastic opportunity for our Level 4 students to serve as buddies for two years, providing guidance and support to our incoming Preps. This Friday, students will have the chance to meet the Preps and participate in a welcome activity. Official buddy pairings will be determined as they get to know each other through their shared time and group activities.



Students have started and are currently working on this term's ERP. Centered around the theme of health, they are exploring topics such as nutrition, food labeling, exercise, the human body, sports, mental health, and well-being. This time, students are collaborating with a partner, and we eagerly anticipate seeing their projects at the expo in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more information regarding the date and time.

We encourage parents to remind students to charge their laptops in preparation for daily learning, as students will be conducting research for the ERP.


What's been happening:

4A had an exciting visitor this week. Alex's new brother, Travis came in for a cuddle from the students. I think he received a cuddle from almost every student. It was so lovely to see such warmth and kindness shown to Travis.









This week the Year four students have been looking at how to write an interesting recount in preparation for the Cold Write. When writing a recount, students have been focusing on how to engage our readers and the importance of quotation marks and sequencing to produce an informative, factual retelling of an event.



On Thursday, November 16th, students had the pleasure of participating in an incursion with Professor Bunsen Burner. Carl, also known as Professor Bunsen Burner, introduced the students to a variety of experiments and fascinating scientific facts that kept them engaged, laughing, and thinking about the elements around them.















Shout outs:

Congratulations to Liv C for her fabulous dance performance at assembly on Monday. How brave to perform in front of everyone.