Connect: Level 3

Claire Parsons, Sean Daley, Lisa Fennessy, Sarah Peters


In the next few weeks, we will be looking at Poetry. We will be deconstructing the text “The Little Wave” written by Pip Harry, and investigating the storyline and plot as stories that begin separately but connect at different times. When looking at The Little Wave we are going to explore how we can compare and contrast characters, look at authors voice and unpack how we can use similar techniques in our own literacy work. For spelling, we will be unpacking how etymology and traditional Aussie Slang is used in the text “The Little Wave” and the language the author uses throughout the story.


In writing, we have been looking at persuasive writing techniques and strategies to strengthen the writing pieces created. The students have been making sure their writing includes emotive language to hook the reader in, while supporting their arguments with evidence and statistics. When writing, a particular skill we have been practising is editing and revising our work to create compelling arguments.



This past fortnight in Maths, the Level 3 students have continued to explore concepts in Working Mathematically while investigating sequences and patterns with shapes and number. The students exhibited high levels of engagement and creativity, especially when they utilised pattern blocks to investigate the algorithm behind repeating and growing patterns.


Cooking - We hope you have all had a taste of the pickles we made!












Professor Bunsen Burner 

This interactive presentation focused on several interesting & fun colour and gas-producing reactions from the kitchen, laundry, toy shop and bathroom. We saw several physical & chemical changes and reversible & irreversible changes. We got to help with instant colour changes, discover the energy in foods when sugar “explodes”, found out how heat packs work and got into nappy science.  We threw in some “controlled explosions”, fast-burning reactions and more. It was an awesome experience, way better than any magic show. Science rocks!

seeing wind
seeing wind