Connect: Level 2

Weeks 9 and 10 

Hats are needed each day in Term 4 to keep safe from the sun! 


As always, it has been a fun and very busy couple weeks! During Investigations, there have been lots of puzzles, construction, problem solving and even a GIANT marble run! 

Also, have a look at our plant station! 

Our seeds are BURSTING! 

What's happening in our classrooms? 


Phonology focus:

We are learning about the phoneme /ai/ as in sail. 

This spelling choice is used in the middle of a word. 

For example: snail, trail, tail, mail, fail. 








We are learning about the phoneme /ay/ as in play. 

This spelling choice is used at the end of a word. 

For example: play, pay, say, day, clay. 


Over the next two weeks, The Year 2’s will be immersed in the exploration of poetry. Drawing inspiration from texts such as ‘This is Home’ by Jackie French & the delightful, rhyming text ‘Bin Chicken’ by Kate & Jol Temple. Both are exciting Australian texts with wonderful poems and poetic elements to enhance their understanding of poetry and its difference from other forms of writing.


Our focus in Week 9 will be on understanding the qualities of poetry, exploring the different types of poems, delving into structural elements, and fostering emotional responses. Activities will include reflective writing, retelling, and the crafting our own bonus verses. In Week 10, the emphasis shifts to developing fluency in reading poems, with a focus on pace, expression, and tone in conveying emotions. The final session will see students integrating their acquired skills into crafting unique poems, choosing formats and topics, with the ultimate goal of publishing pieces that they are proud of. 


We are super excited to see the wonderful pieces of work the Year 2’s create! 



Over the next 2 weeks, we are learning all about weight and mass. In particular, we will be comparing the mass of familiar objects using scales. Which will be the heaviest? Which will be the lightest? We will also be measuring and comparing the mass of objects using informal units - such as marbles! 


Some of the key vocabulary we will be using includes - grams, kilograms, tonnes, mass and weight. 










                     Have a wonderful couple of weeks!


                     Miss Maslen, Mr Davies, Miss Stacey, Mrs Castrillon, Mr Klvac and Tommy!