
Annual Dinner

OVA Annual Dinner will be hosted on Friday 11 October at the New Town Bay Rowing Centre, further details will be sent out as we near the event.


Melbourne Reunion

Proposed date: Friday 25 October

Proposed venue: RACV City Club



The 63rd OVA Gold Day will be held on Friday 8 November at the Royal Hobart Golf Club.

Entry details will be provided in upcoming editions of the OVAtions.


OVA Luncheons

Consideration is being given to additional OVA Luncheons for 2024– where/when/if. No decisions have been made at this stage. Suggestions are welcome.


1984 Leavers Reunion

The following information was received from Dr Bernie McCartney: An SVC and SMC reunion for the class of '84' is planned for late 2024. To receive further information and to be placed on the contact list please email


1974 – Fifty Year Reunion Celebrate

Refer to the article later in this newsletter.